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hey everyone! im sooooooo happy because im currently updating this book on my TV! anyways sorry for that extreamly random comment.

im also very sorry that i have not updated in a while :(

i know that i promissed to do so a month or 2 ago but i got really busy, anyways, heres the chapter you have been waiting for! enjoy :) ps this is just a filler chapter for not updating..it's not as detailed and exciting as my other chapters.
Its been two months since I got back from the hospital and I'm feeling much better.
I don't even feel where the bullet was anymore because I'm completely healed.
I got a chance to learn all about my twins' life's and why they decided to show up now suddenly.
Today is the first day I move back to the mansion to reclaim my name as the moon goddess once again.
"Hannah?" Eli calls
"Yeah?" I turn around to face him
"Do you need help packing up your belongings?"
"That would be amazing if you helped, thank you!" I smiled
"Okay" he says picking up my journals and books and placing them into a box.
"Where should I put this?" He picks up a letter I was going to send to Brandon.
"Nooooo give that letter to me!" I yell.
"And why is that?" He flips over the paper and starts reading it.
"Dear Brandon, I miss you a lot and I can't wait to see you again! Here's my reply to you about what you said last week, I like you too-hahahahahaha" he falls to the floor holding his knees.
"Eli you idiot why would you read something so personal?!"
"Well you never told me how personal it was! I thought it was just about collage or something"
"Collage-really? You think I have time for collage?" I cross my arms.
"Psh yeah totally" he laughs awkwardly.
You idiot.
"Okay moving on, I'm done packing up...can you help me move my things to the car outside?"
"Sure." He replies.
We each pick up a box and we walk downstairs to meet Aaron.
He's driving me to the house.
"Hey, nice to see you" he smiles when he sees eli and I.
"Everyone at the house have been so excited to see you back and well!"
"Ummm what people?"
"The people from the party of corse! They stayed waiting for you to come back"
"What? Where would they stay?"
"Are you kidding me Hannah?"
"What?" I ask confused.
"We live in a mansion remember?
"Yeah but.." I face palm
"Yeah..are you ready to go?" Aaron asks.
"Yes, I just need to say goodbye to Adeline and lily"  I turn on my heel and run inside.
When I get inside they are both watching tv in the living room.
"Goodbye Adeline and lily thank you so much for taking care of me after the shooting I really appreciate it" I smile.
"No problem Hannah! Just ca us anytime you want to go anywhere" they reply.
"okay, thanks again" I wave goodbye and I get in Aaron's car when I get outside.
"ready to go?" He asks
"Yeah" I nod and we drive off.

The alphas daughter book 2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora