Do not weep, do not wail (for I am coming home to you)

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Phil, after a night of restless sleep, a night of worrying. Worrying for his sons. His boys. He laid awake. Because what else is he to do after something like that? Knowing his sons think he thinks so little of him. He couldn't sleep knowing that.

He thinks till he hears birds.

He thinks of a way to salvage his boys, not for the sake of wanting forgiveness. He wants them to know how much he loves them.

How much he adores his beautiful boys.

He has to sit them down. The three of them. Talk to them. Let them know he'd never think less of them because of something as silly as their powers. He'd love them no matter that. If they were powerless it wouldn't make any difference.

(He hopes that Kristen would be proud of him.)

(But he knows that isn't true. To make his boys believe he loved them any less is not deserving of pride)

So he gets up early. And makes breakfast.

And tries his best to not break down as he makes Tommy and Wilbur's favorite foods, waffles and french toast.

Tommy's were waffles, because they remind him of honeycomb, of Tubbo, because Phil would make them when feeling down. And Tubbo helped when feeling down, so therefore waffles did as well.

Wilbur's favorite was french toast, because he once had it at Sally's father's restaurant after he asked her to "surprise him" with his order, then continued to order it every time he went.

Techno's, funny enough, is also french toast. Wilbur had once offhandedly said when they were young that because they were twins, they should have similar favorite things. Their interests always clashed, but Techno decided he would make french toast his favorite food, so they would have at least one thing together in common.

He finished and then, the hard part.

Getting them out of bed.

It's harder the more he thinks about it, so he walks upstairs.

(Techno would probably be the easiest.)

(Wilbur will probably be the hardest.)

(And Tommy? He doesn't know.)

(He belatedly realizes he knows little to nothing about the young boy's current interests. What does he like? What's school like? When had he last made waffles for the boy without him asking? Does he still even like them? When has Tubbo even last been over?)

His thoughts swam as he stood in front of Techno's door. Lost in thought. So much so Techno opens the door in front of him before he even knocks. The tallest son looking down at his father.

"What are you doing...?" Techno's voice is groggy, rubbing his eyes and walking past Phil.

"Was just comin' to wake ya, Techno." he sighed, watching his son walk downstairs.

"Did you make breakfast?" he asked softly, and Phil nodded.

"Your favorite," he answered. Techno pauses, turning his gaze to Wilbur's door, and then back to the kitchen as he silently continues down to collect his food.

He goes to Wilbur's door next, knocking softly and waiting.

He waits a few moments before going to knock again, and then Wilbur opens the door. He looks exhausted. Phil's expression softens significantly.

"Hey bud...Techno's downstairs, I made your favorite." He offered softly.

(a chance.)

Wilbur looks his dad in the eyes, and he sighs, running a hand through his hair.

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