I will look for you (as the sun rises high)

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Tommy, at one point in his completely abnormal life, considered his completely abnormal upbringing quite normal. And even, at one point, considered the idea of being alone in a house more often than not during his teen years quite normal as well. His family's jobs were also considered normal for some time. When he was young and foolish, he even thought that every child had superhero parents and siblings. And he thought all children were as nice as his brothers.

But children are foolish. And Tommy was no better.

And not all children were as nice as his brothers were, which he quickly also learned. The hard way.

Tommy sits at the kitchen counter, holding his phone and silently charging it. Sometimes it feels weird. That he has powers and yet he's not deemed hero worthy like his family. Weird that these abilities are a normal thing built into his life. Weird to wake up alone, because he shouldn't bother his family.

They're all sleeping after patrol last night. Tommy isn't special like them, so who is he to bother them for breakfast when he can make it himself. Who is he to ask for a ride to school when he can walk the mile to school alone.

And faintly, he thinks it's almost depressing how he can't remember the last real conversation he had with any of his family. But, Tommy doesn't think of himself as a bitter person. Pessimistic, sure. But not bitter. But, right now, maybe he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Maybe it's just destined to be a shitty day. Because he feels bitter, despite reassuring himself he certainly isn't a normally bitter person.

He wishes his family was normal. He wishes his family wasn't blessed with such inhuman gifts. Because he feels like these abilities given to them are more of a fucking curse than a blessing.

Maybe more of a curse to him then to them.

He wants to be forever rid of them, for these stupid powers to leave his family the fuck alone.

But shit, we can't all get what we want. So he finished his bowl of cereal he doesn't remember starting, and put the bowl in the sink. A bit louder than he wishes he had. He hopes he doesn't wake his family up.

But, something in the back of his mind hopes one of them does wake up. The little voice really hopes they walk out and ask what the noise was, and if he has everything ready for school, to wish him goodbye and to have a good day.

But the house stays silent. Not a soul moves besides his own. And when he walks out of the house, he allows himself to be bitter, just once. He slams the door on his way out. The satisfaction of doing so doesn't last long though.

He misses Wilbur by a few seconds, the brunette waking up at the sound of the slamming door. He was going to drive Tommy to school, he just... forgot to wake up on time. He forgot to get home earlier from patrol. That's all.

A simple misunderstanding that he'll never know the weight of to his brother.

" Well, " Tubbo chews his food. Sitting next to Ranboo at the lunch tables as he thinks about what Tommy had said, which was something along the lines of "im so fucking tired of doing nothing while my family's life is so interesting and better than mine". Tommy often whines about how his family is super and heroic and shit.

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