Chapter 2

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Sirin was placed into a room by herself. The room was small and had two twin sized beds on both sides of the room. There was only one window that was right about the only table in the room. The window was right out of Sirin's reach so she climbed up onto the table looking out of the window that was enclosed in metal bars. Sirin wasn't sure if it was supposed to make her feel safe or to keep her from escaping. Sirin looked down at the ground that was still blanketed by snow. She desired to be outside.

Sirin! Wait for Mama! She could hear her mother calling out for her as she would run through the snow in the forest on the outskirts of the village. It was rare for the village to not face blizzard like conditions during the winter. When it would finally stop snowing, Sirin would go outside making snow angels in the thick bedding of snow. Sirin, I have some carrots left over if you want to build a snowman! The sound of the door creaking open brought Sirin back to reality. Sirin whipped her head around to see a girl around the same age as she is with long brown wavy hair and blue eyes wearing the same hospital gown as Sirin. The door shut behind her. The two girls stood there in complete silence unsure of what to say to each other. Neither one of them thought to introduce themselves as a start. A few moments passed before Sirin jumped down from the table.

"I guess you were forced into coming here too" The new girl finally spoke. Sirin nodded her head in response. "The name's Bella" She then introduced herself.


"Were you sick too?"

"A little. I feel better now but Mama was really sick. They told me that if I didn't want more people to end up like Mama that I had to go with the men in the white lab coats who I assume are doctors." Bella didn't say anything. Sirin wondered if Bella's silence was actually her way of saying something. It made her curious if those men were in fact doctors. Wanting to change the subject, Bella and Sirin decided to spend the night trying to get to know each other since it seemed like they were going to be roommates while they are here.

The next morning everyone was given the chance to explore outside of the tower as long as they stayed within a certain perimeter. Bella and Sirin went into the forest that was within the allowed perimeter.

"What are we doing out here?" Sirin inquired. She looked around noticing there was nothing, but large pine trees dusted with snow.

"This is where me and the other girls would hangout. I told them to meet me here if those guys ever let us out"

"BELLA!" a group of girls shouted. Sirin and Bella both turned their heads seeing three girls racing towards them from the direction of the tower. Two girls had long grey hair with one being straight and the other being wavy. The other girl had red hair tied up in a long ponytail.

"I was wondering where you guys were at" Bella commented. She then turned to Sirin "These are my friends that I met at the orphanage before we arrived at the hospital. This is Avrora, Agata, and Galina" She then introduced each girl to Sirin.

"Hello, I'm Sirin. Nice to meet you"

"I'm sorry you got tangled in this mess as well" The girl with the long wavy gray hair spoke. She held a doll in her arms close to her chest.

"I say we should clobber those guys and get outta here" The girl with red hair suggested as she smacked her fist into the palm of her opposite hand.

"Agata, you promised you wouldn't start any fights"

"You being weak Galina doesn't mean the rest of us have to be"

"But I'm not sure if violence is the answer"

"It is for me and that's all that matters"

"I agree with Galina, plus we don't know what we're up against" Bella chimed.

"That's not gonna stop me. Avrora please tell me you're at least on my side" Agata turned to the girl with the straight gray hair.

"I'd rather stay out of this." Agata folded her arms over her chest in a huff. Eventually, all the children got called back into the tower. The girls said their goodbyes and went back to their assigned rooms. Bella and Sirin could here screaming from below them. The sources of most of the screams seem to come from adult men. Sirin looked at Bella whose body tremored with bulging eyes.

"Bella?" Sirin called out to her concerned.

"I don't want to die." She uttered. Sirin didn't say anything. "I don't want to die." Bella continued to utter the same words over and over.

Promise Mama you'll take care of yourself

Sirin had to remind herself to be cautious because she knew that's what her mother wanted. She went over to Bella wrapping one arm around her shoulders with her other hand caressing the back of her head pulling Bella close to her. Her fear was indistinguishable from Bella's. Although, she knew that it wouldn't do Bella any good if she worried about her and herself. Bella grew silent as her eyes closed. Despite not knowing Sirin for very long, she felt safe with her.

I love you Sirin

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