Chapter 4

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The pain didn't stop there. Sirin's heart broke watching her mother die in the hospital, but after watching her best friend die after being treated like a guinea pig in a lab, her heart completely shattered. It was at this point that Sirin felt truly helpless. Although, this didn't stop her from fighting back. She kicked, screamed, and thrashed about trying to break free from the grips of the scientists that dragged her from her cell to the part of the lab where the scientists conducted their experiments. She squirmed beneath the straps that held her to the table.

"Please stop" She pleaded with tears in her eyes. It didn't matter how much she begged. No one cared enough to listen. Every plea that left her lips went ignored as she was injected multiple times with different serums. After she was done, she was grabbed back into her cell where she curled up into a ball and cried herself to sleep. The following morning, despite becoming test subjects, the girls that remained were given some freedom as they were allowed outside. This would be the first time they saw sunlight since the experiments began. Some girls tried to escape. They were shot with darts and dragged back inside. Sirin watched all of this unfold from a distance. As much as she wanted to get involved to save those girls, she knew she didn't stand a chance in her current condition. Sirin interlocked her fingers holding her hands close to her chest mumbling a prayer under her breath hoping the gods above would bless her with the strength to make it through this nightmare or that the girls that were still alive would be spared. She eventually made her way to the spot in the forest where she would hang out with her friends. This was the only place that brought her joy and comfort. Just like her friends, that feeling was gone. Sirin felt nothing but cold and empty. The cold feeling, she felt had nothing to do with the fact that she stood in a blanket of snow and the cold breeze stinging the surface of her skin causing her to shiver. She looked around for anything. All she saw was snow. There was a medium sized rock that stood out from the snow. She picked up the rock dusting off the snow from the top.

"This will do" she mumbled. Sirin carefully placed the rock down on the ground in the spot where she hung out with her friends. After that, Sirin did her best to find other decorations. All she could find were small flowers that barely stuck out of the snow. Despite their size, they grew in a range of color. Sirin picked one of each bringing them back over to the rock placing each flower around the rock. "Let's sing songs like we used to Bella, Agata, Galina, Avrora." Sirin hummed a tune as tears slid down her cheek. It wasn't long after that when all of the remaining girls were called back inside. Sirin went back into her cell along with the other girl that occupied the cell with her. The two didn't talk, Sirin didn't see a point in making any more friends knowing they would just be taken away from her.

It was around eleven at night. Sirin's cellmate was in deep sleep while Sirin was wide awake sitting on the ground with her back against the wall. She played with the bandages that were wrapped around her arms. As her fingers picked at her bandages, Sirin noticed her hand started to glow a bright pink. Weirdly enough, she didn't feel different but was definitely confused. The pink glow eventually covered her entire body, even her dressed shared the same hue. Sirin got up from the ground walking towards the cell door looking around the room to see if this was happening to anyone else or just her. She tried to grip the bar of the cell door, but her hand phased right through. Sirin looked at the palm of her hand with a cocked eyebrow.

"What the...?" She uttered still staring at her hand. "Could this be the power I've been praying for?" This gave Sirin an idea as a Cheshire grin appeared on her face. She turned her head to check in her cell mate who was still fast asleep. She decided to use this time to figure out if she had any other abilities. Once the clock struck midnight, Sirin put her plan into motion. She phased through the cell door. Her first targets were the scientists that hurt Bella. They were sat by the large computer that sat at the center of the room. They heard a creak causing them to turn their heads to investigate. One of the scientists spotted Sirin in the distance.

"HEY! HOW DID YOU GET OUT?!" Sirin didn't say anything, but the Cheshire smile stayed on her face.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO BELLA!" With the powers Sirin had developed, she took out the group of scientists. An alarm went off which made those who remained scramble. It wasn't long after that the tower that housed approximately 322 scientists be reduced to only two, the two that were responsible for letting Sirin's mother die. The two scientists that remained tried their best to flee from the source of the terror, the ghost like figure that resembled Sirin. BANG! BANG! Gunshots went off from a handgun that was held in the shaky hands of one of the scientists. One of them was caught as he was grabbed by the waist by a mysterious aura causing him to lose feeling in his legs making him fall to the floor. The other scientist left him behind not wanting to become the next victim.

"Wait don't leave me!" The first scientist pleaded despite being clearly ignored. The door was shut. He let out a sigh of relief thinking he was safe now that he separated himself from Sirin. His eyes widened as Sirin phased through the wall.

"Did you honestly think these walls could stop me?" She asked with a coy smirk. Not only could he feel his heart pounding, but it beat so fast that he could hear the rhythm. He leaped away from the wall dropping his gun in the process trying to keep his distance from Sirin. "How selfish of you to leave your friend behind." The scientist fumbled as he grabbed the gun off the floor aiming it at Sirin.

"STAY BACK!" He fired three shots at Sirin. He wasn't sure how, but the three bullets returned to him hitting him in his leg, torso, and shoulder. His eyes widened in disbelief. "I shot myself?" He grumbled confused as he fell to the ground. With that, all 322 scientists were gone.

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