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"You want us to what now?"

Scarlett's publicist and manager and share a look before the latter speaks, "Due to the unfortunate...mishap that occurred last night, numbers have gone up for your new movie," she sends a pointed look to a subdued Scarlett who has yet to say a word. "It turns out people like you, y/n, and because of that, you guys need to pretend to be together until the movie has been released."

You stare at them like they were stupid, "Excuse me?"

The publicist clears her throat as she begins to separate a small pile of paperwork she'd pulled out of her leather briefcase, setting equal amounts in front of you and Scarlett along with a pen, "You guys are going to date for six months until Scarlett's mew movie is released."

You splutter over your words as you push both items away from you, "What? No! I'm not doing that. What happened between us was a mistake. I won't..I can't..." you glance to your left to see Scarlett already staring at you.

The look on her face was undecipherable, but you were to worked up to figure out what it could possibly mean. "A little help here please?" You almost beg, and it was only then does she let out a deep sigh before bringing her attention to her manager.

"That's why you wanted us here? I thought we were releasing a statement and then we'd go out separate ways?" She doesn't sound too shocked at the sudden revelation that had been thrown upon you, and it has you narrowing your eyes in accusation. Did she know something you didn't?

"That was the plan," her publicist nods, looking a little too smug for your liking, "but things change."

To your absolute horror, Scarlett does no more than nod her head before picking up the pen and signing the contract.

You stare at her, gobsmacked. "You knew." You accuse, and Scarlett sends you an almost helpless look. You understood. Publicists could be fucking ruthless. But that didn't stop you from feeling played. You had no doubt Scarlett knew this was happening before she'd even called last night, and she didn't even have the decency to warn you.

"this is crazy," you mutter, "this is fucking crazy. I'm sorry, but no. I can't." You stand up and go to leave the room, but a gentle hand on your arm stops you. You look down to see Scarlett already looking up at you with a pleading expression on her face, and you sigh heavily as you drop back down onto your chair.

You, however, do not pick up the pen. You weren't quite there yet. For anybody else, this would be an easy decision. Who wouldn't want to date Scarlett Johansson? But you'd been through a hell of a ride these past few days. Married. Divorced. On the fucking news for everybody to see. You just didn't know if you wanted a repeat of that.


You look up, "What?"

"You'll get paid two hundred thousand dollars." Her publicist repeats, and you stare at her like she'd grown three heads. Did she really think money would make this all better?

Obviously able to tell you that you weren't any closer to cracking, Scarlett reaches out and grabs your hand. You stare down at them for a second before flickering your eyes up to her own.

"You can say no," she murmurs as the pad of her thumb grazes softly over the back of your hand. "please don't feel obliged. We can still go with the original plan of pretending non of this ever happened." 

You nod, contemplating your options. If you agreed to this, your knew your life would never be the same again. Everyone would know who you are. What you did, and having a private life would be a thing of the past. But if you did agree, you'd be two hundred thousand dollars richer. You try and wrack your brain for some other positives, but non come to mind.

Welp. Your dignity was already gone, so what else did you have to lose?

Before you could stop yourself, you grab the pen, sign the contact before quickly making your way out of the room.

Regret hits you the second the cold air enters your lungs. What in the world had you just agreed to?


Short, but I still hope you enjoyed!

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