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Spoiler warnings for the movie 'Fall' on Netflix! Enjoy and sorry for the long wait!


Bonding. The establishment of a relationship or link with someone based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences. Or in your case, being stuck in close proximity with someone you were so physically attracted too it was practically eating you up inside.

It had been a total of three weeks since you'd signed the contract deeming you Scarlett Johanssons girlfriend, and in that time you've spent a total of three days together. At this point, you were fairly confident that whatever was going on between you was more than just a silly little crush.

Scarlett, who was stood in the middle of her kitchen with her tongue poking out the corner of her lips as she concentrates on icing the cake you two had just made, seemed completely unaffected. You almost envied her, because you could barely even look at her without your mind drifting back to that one night you'd shared together. Her smell. The way her nails felt against your back and the way her voice sounded as she pleads you not to stop.

You feel yourself flush at your thoughts, and you force yourself to think about something else.

The coffee date.  

The coffee date had gone well. Perhaps a little too well if you were being entirely honest. Nearly every time you and Scarlett hung out together you were noticed and hounded with questions and cameras. People were talking, and you had both been on every news outlet ever made. It was kind of cool at first. Having people know your name. To be known as Scarlett Johanssons girlfriend. But now, the novelty had worn off, and you missed the days you were able to leave the house looking like a hermit.


You whip your head up, "Mhh, yeah?"

Scarlett was staring at you with the corner of her lip quirked up in amusement, "You okay? You seem a little...distracted."

Oh if only you knew.

You clear your throat as you hop off the counter and force a smile onto your lips, "Yeah, just tired. Is the cake done?"

If Scarlett was surprised by the abrupt change of subject, she doesn't say so. "Yeah, it's in the fridge so the chocolate can set. You wanna watch a movie or something?" She asks as she gestures through to the living room.

Curled up on the couch in the dark with Scarlett Johansson? Lord help me.

"Sure," you smile, and Scarlett returns is as she leads you through to the living room. It was large and extravagant, just like the rest of her home, and you let out a soft sigh as you sit yourself down onto the couch and cross one leg over the other.

Scarlett grabs the remote before dropping down onto the couch down next to you, and you immediately get a whiff of her perfume.

Smells just like I remember.

"What kind of movie do you want to watch?" She asks as she selects Netflix, bringing her legs up so she was sat criss cross apple sauce. You smile slightly at the sight before bringing your attention to the tv.

"What about fall?" You suggest, pointing when the title shows up on screen.

Scarlett pauses on it before sending you a curious look, "You've seen it? What's it about?"

You clear your throat softly as you play with a loose thread on your shirt, "A few times yeah. It's about two girls who climb a two thousand foot tower and get stuck. It has this really cool plot twist at the end. I think you'll like it."

At your words, Scarlett doesn't hesitate to press play on the movie. She reaches back and grasps one of the many blankets she had folded on the back before scooting a little closer to you and throwing it over both your legs. You swallow heavily at the close proximity as you attempt to focus all of your attention on the tv screen.

It was currently showing three people, two women and one guy climbing a large stone wall. The scene immediately captures Scarlett's attention, just like it had done with you when you'd first watched it.

All was silent for a few minutes until the guy loses his grip and ends up hanging hundreds of feet in mid air, and you feel Scarlett let out a quiet gasp of surprise.

"Does he..?" She murmurs, and you simply shake your head as you give her a small nudge. You so badly hoped she wasn't one of those people who talked and asked questions throughout every single movie she see's. That would be a nightmare.

"Wait and find out." You tell her, and whilst she seems a little put out, Scarlett nods her head in understanding.

Her question was answered when the guy slips from the rope and falls hundreds of feet to the ground, and you smirk at the muffled oh my god that escapes her lips as the screen cuts to the now widowed wife drinking at the bar.

She sends you a look that says oh shit, and you nod your head in agreement as the corner of your lips quirk up into a small smirk. Thankfully, Scarlett remains silent as the rest of the movie plays out in front of her, her eyes never once leaving the screen.

Her reactions were adorable, and the look of horror she sends you when it comes to light that the best friend had been read the entire time was one of the cutest things you'd ever seen. When the credits begin to scroll down the screen signalling that the movie was done, Scarlett reaches over and grabs the remote to turn the lights back on.

"So.." you ask as you shift to face her, "what did you think?"

"That was insane," she says with a quiet laugh as she pulls off the blanket and folds it back up before placing it onto the back of the couch, "and the plot twist? Freaking mind blown."

You grin as you watch her rise to her feet and stretch, your eyes taking in the smooth, flat skin of her stomach that appears as she brings her arms above head. You could vividly remember pressing gentle, lingering kisses over that soft expanse of skin, and you hate the way your stomach tingles with arousal at the mere thought of it alone.

"Right?" You force a quiet laugh as you reluctantly tear your gaze away from her.

Stop staring!

As you bring your attention back up to her face, there was a smirk on her lips, and you just about die a little on the inside. Thankfully, she doesn't call you out on your ogling of her body and simply holds out her hand

"The cake should be ready now." She wiggles her fingers invitingly. "Want to go eat it?"

"You don't have to ask me twice."


Man I feel like my writing is so freaking bad rn 😭

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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