The Story

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Word count : 7848 words

Roger and eden wake up in a mysterious place
Where are we? Eden asked roger "i dont know... also arent we supposed to be dead?" Then suddenly a lady with a elegant dress approached them

The elegant lady introduced herself as anya and told the two that she was the one who revived them

"Sooo You revived us Why?" Eden asked "i revived you 2 because well ever since the rule 34 virus has taken over the internet has been in chaos and in a depressed state So u Two will help us and also me and owl found u at special server why were you there?"

"We were there to be safe from awesomeo we said all caps by accident.." roger said

"Oh goodness.. well first we need to train you to defeat the virus well roger dosent as his exercises by killing furries but you -points to eden- need a lot of training...
-insert epic training montage-

"Okay so what do we do now?" Eden asked after he finished his training "well you have to go to the badlands twitter... One of the 3 cores of the virus is there I believe Scott is guarding It." "Twitter what a disgusting place." Roger said.

The two go to twitter and it is filled with toxic waste, Weird furries and Worst of all rule 34.. Roger then kills the furries "Oh god this place is disgusting" eden then vomits

"Wait wheres the core? that woman forgot to tell us where it is" 😡 roger said angrily The two then decided to search for the core

It was very hard to search for it as twitter is a very peculiar and gross place They ran into Dream stans Which were very easy to kill then they found more and more weird shit then they finally found it the core but something was wrong...

"Somethings wrong i can feel it" roger said The core was just in the open there were weird stuff surrounding it like elon musks head on a pike and gay porn but besides that something felt wrong no one was there guarding it...

Then scott appeared He didnt see eden and roger as they were hiding behind something but he was there just staring he had brown hair and steel armor and he had a penis helmet which looked very scary but a bit funny he was also holding a giant spear that had "rule 34" carved on it.

"Its him..." eden whispered quietly
Then suddenly people came behind them and put a chemical in them to make eden and roger go to sleep...
Eden then opened his eyes and immediately realized where he was it was a integration room and there were torture tools around them and he saw scott and then saw that roger wasnt with him oh no this cant be good.

"Who are you where did you come from!?" The Menace Scott barked angrily at him A/n : his title is the menace

"my name is eden and im from Australia..." the aussie said quietly "hm you are saying the truth But who sent you that girl anya?" Scott asked him Eden was quiet. "Uhh no she did not sent me and my friend was just visiting this place.."

"Im not sure about that, everyone knows in the internet that twitter is one of the most toxic website in the world!" Eden was quiet again. Then suddenly a loud sound was heard It was roger!

"What! How did he escape!" scott was very suprised

Roger was defeating guard after guard like he was some god wait is that cannons on his back? Giant bullets were shooting at the guards who looked like your average neckbeard.
"Roger!" Eden shouted Roger than ran to edens room to punch scott Blocked the punch With his spear
"a puny punch cant defeat me." Scott Laughed evilly Eden was watching all of this he could not interfere as he was strapped to a metal chair.

Eden and Roger vs rule 34Where stories live. Discover now