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Staring at one place, not paying attention to the teacher. I can't get these fucking thoughts out of my head! He brought them back. I was so happy I could be here without having panic attacks but I feel myself getting nervous and scared. Why can't I be like everyone else?

My body shaking, I can't stop it. Fuck, I need to get out of here. The boy next to me must noticed it because he's looking at me, worried? I just ignore it and ask the teacher if I can go to the toilet. He says yes so I stand up but someone grabbing my wrist stops me. I turn around and look into these gorgeous, blue eyes again.

„You okay?" he asks and I just nod. His touch is uncomfortable so I free myself and start walking. I go to the girls bathroom and lock myself in so I can take my phone out and call miles. It's ringing a long time until he finally picks up „hello?" this is definitely not miles.

„W-where's miles?" I ask with shaky voice and wait for an answer „oh he can't come to the phone right now, sorry." I try to stay calm and ask again „please, get miles on the phone." silence „hello?" suddenly I hear my brothers voice „miles"

„Ari? What's wrong?" he asks and I can hear the worry in his voice „I t-think I'm having a panic attack" I hear him yelling at his friends for being so loud „where are you?" a tear leaves my eye „in the girls bathroom"

„Okay, stay where you are I'm coming" he tells me and hangs up. It wasn't even 5 minutes and I hear voices outside of the bathroom. It's definitely miles but what about the other voice? It's familiar too. I get out of there and open the bathroom door just to see miles yelling at the boy from my class. What's he doing here?

„Miles!" I yell and he turns around to look at me. He runs up to me and hugs me „is everything okay? Did he do something to you?" oh now I know why he is so angry „no, he didn't. Please stop yelling" we break apart and look at the boy „told you" he shrugs.

„What are you doing here?" I ask the boy and he explains to me that he was worried and wanted to check up on me but saw me running in the bathroom so he wanted to wait for me to come out „oh" I hear miles say next to me and we look at him „sorry"

„It's fine but one question" miles nods „what's up?" he hesitates „are you like her boyfriend?" we both smile at the boy and miles even giggles a little „no dude, I'm her brother" now the boy smiles too „oh, alright"

„But this still doesn't mean you can do anything to or with her, alright?" I hit miles in the arm „ow" he looks at me and I shake my head „stop being so rude!" miles apologises „it's okay, don't worry" he nods

„What's your name?" I ask him and they both look at me „what? Can't I ask someone what's their name?" I ask miles with raised eyebrows „my name is Chris" I smile at him and he does too „pretty name" he smiles „what's yours?"

„Oh, I'm ari" I smile at him „beautiful name" I thanked him and he said we had to go back to class „no, we're going home, come on" miles says, takes my hand and just starts walking away. When we got out I hit his arm again „what was that?" I ask him and he looks confused „what was what?" I sigh „you just took me with you!" he nods proudly „yeah, I did"

We walk to his car and he starts driving. I totally forgot why I called him for this moment right now. This boy, Chris, is really nice I guess. Maybe he can be my friend. I smile to myself and see we're already home „I'm going to bed" I say walking in „what? But we only have morning?" I shrug and walk upstairs

I lay in bed and take my phone out just to see my only friend texting me that she wants no contact anymore. What? Why? What did I do? And why now? I feel tears in my eyes again. What the fuck is wrong with me today? Why the fuck am I crying ever second? God, this needs to stop!

I cry myself to sleep and only wake up on the next morning. I slept the whole day and night? What the fuck! Miles is knocking at my door, coming in. He sees I'm already awake and sits next to me „are you alright? You slept the whole day" I nod „yes, I'm okay" he nods and leaves the room. I get up, make myself ready for school, just brushing my teeth, putting on a big blue hoodie and some baggy jeans. It's my favorite hoodie, I don't know why.


Suddenly someone knocks at my door again „come in miles" but it wasn't miles. It was dad and he was drunk „you little piece of shit! You slept the whole day and didn't do anything! You're so useless!" dad yells at me and I know it'll happen „d-dad I'm sorry, okay?" he shakes his head „no! No apologies anymore!" he comes up to me and suddenly I feel pain on my check and on my eye. He hit me, again. Tears in my eyes while he leaves. What the fuck is wrong with everyone?!

Fuck, how am I supposed to cover this shit? It's all red and blue, already a little purple. I try to cover it as much as I can but it doesn't work well. I touch it and immediately flinch because it hurts so much. Really dad? Today, my second school day, again?


Walking downstairs hoping dad is at work already. He's always drunk at work anyways. I enter the kitchen and see miles sitting there watching tiktok probably „morning" I mumble hoping he won't notice „good morning ari. How did you sleep?" he asks and notices me looking at the floor „what's wrong?" I shake my head „nothing, everything is fine" he stands up and comes to me. He takes my head in his hands and forces me to look at him, his hand on my cheek so I flinch

„Nope, you're not fine" I just looked at him „you're bad at covering" he says while hugging me „I'm sorry, I didn't stop him" I hug him back and tears leave my eyes „it's okay" he shakes his head „no it's not, I should have been there"

We stand like this a little longer until he says we have to go. We went outside and sat in the car. On the ride he suddenly takes my hand „don't worry ari, I'm sure nobody will notice" I look at him „but you did" he looks at me for a moment „Yeah, because I'm your brother and know you" I roll my eyes smiling and he smiles too. I hope nobody will notice..

Chapter two yayy!!

Hope you liked it:) have a good day/night<3

Love y'all🫶

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