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AirPods in, listening to Agony, walking in school, the place where I was so close to dying, not paying attention to anyone or anything. I walk to my locker and get my things, hoping nobody will notice my bruise. But before I can go in the classroom someone comes up from behind me and grabs my wrist, making me flinch and free myself. I turn around looking into chris' eyes which makes me uncomfortable. What if he sees it? What will he think of me?

„Sorry, didn't know you were that sensitive" fuck yes I am! My wrist hurts like shit! „oh no it's fine" I try to smile but he doesn't look like he believes it. He just ignores it and walks in class. Embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing! I sigh and just walk in, sitting down in the back, still listening to music, shutting the world out.

This class is so boring oh my fuck! I look around and see Chris sitting next to a boy looking exactly like him. What the actual fuck?! Am I going crazy?! I shake my head and turn to the front again, trying to focus on the teacher but I can't because I can feel someone staring at me. I just ignore it and after class I immediately rush out of the classroom, followed by Chris and this other guy.

„Hey! Ari! Wait for us!" I hear chris' voice shouting making me stop walking and turning around. I look up at the two and force myself to smile „you know I can see that you're not fine" my smile drops at chris' sentence „never mind we don't have to talk about it" he smiles down at me and looks at the other guy „so ari this is nick my brother, nick this is ari my new friend" he called me his friend. I smiled at him and then looked at nick which also smiled at me

„Nice to meet you. I already heard alot about you" nick says laughing „oh really?" I ask and look at chris who just smiles „yeah but don't look at me I'm not the brother that's like in love with you" he defends himself and now I look at nick „what?" they both laugh „oh no not me. I'm actually into guys my our brother matt right there isn't" he says and looks behind me so I turn around, seeing a guy, who also looks like them, walking up to us, stopping when he sees me and I just turn around to chris and nick.

„That's matt?" I ask and they both nod „but why would someone like him, like me? I'm like no ones type you know" I giggle and they just smile „why do you think that?" I stare at nick and decide to not tell them „oh uh doesn't matter" they just accept it and look behind me. I like how they don't ask questions and give me privacy „matt bro come on" Chris shouts at matt causing me to turn around. Matt starts walking up to us and stops next to nick, not looking at me

„So matt, that's ari our new friend and matt here is my brother, we're triplets" I smile at them and nod „cool! I just have a older brother" chris laughs „oh yeah I already met him he's very overprotective" I laugh too „yeah sorry about that again" he just shrugs and tells me it's okay „OH MY FUCK MATT!" nick shouts looking up from his phone „WHAT" he asks yelling back because nick scared him I guess „you have maths with ari now!!" nick yells and matts mouth drops „oh uh alright"

After a while we all have to go to class and matt is in mine now so I guess it will be a little awkward but it'll be okay. We just walk to maths in silence, sitting down in the back of the class, next to each other. Maybe matt is the most shy out of the three. The teacher begins to teach but I don't really pay attention. suddenly someone throws a paper ball at me so I look up to see spencer, my bully. What the fuck. What's his problem now? I open it and read it, flashbacks coming back. I look up again and he laughs, causing me to get tears in my eyes.

Matt saw it and didn't do anything. I think it's better if he doesn't because I don't want to get him in trouble. After class I wanna stay up and get out of class but spencer stops me „look at you, all fine and going to school again even though you don't want to am I right?" he says and his hand is on my cheek „stop touching me" I whisper „what was that?" he asks and comes near my face but suddenly a hand grabs his wrist and pushes him back. Matt..

„I'm sure you heard her, but if not I'll repeat it for you" he lets go of his hand and punches him right in the face „don't ever touch her again or you'll definitely regret it alright?" spencer holds his face and nods, leaving. Tears in my eyes, looking shocked and a little scared at matt, who is turning around to me „are you okay?" he asks coming up to me but I step back causing him to stop „sorry"

I just ignore him and get out of the classroom. I need to get out of there, all feelings are coming at the same time. I could cry and scream, but otherwise I'm like really scared of matt I guess but I don't know why because he just fucking helped me! But why would anyone ever do this for me? Am I even worth it? I keep walking until I bump into a hard chest and stumble back, looking up in chris' and nicks face „is everything okay?" nick asks and I just nod

„Ari!" I hear matt yelling behind me. Fuck. I turn around and look at him running towards us, stopping right in front of me „I'm sorry, I didn't know it'll scare you so much" now chris steps in front of me looking confused at his brother „what? What did you do you?" he seems serious. What the fuck is up with everyone protecting me today?! „he punched spencer, right in front of me" I told him and chris looked at me confused „spencer? Why?"

„He was rude to ari so I told him to stay away, easy" matt said and opened his locker „what the fuck?! Matt!" nick yelled „what were you thinking?!" matt turns around „I couldn't just ignore it goddamn!" he yelled back at nick and now I was so confused what the fuck. He could have! „Okay stop right here you didn't need to do this you know?" his eyes softened looking down at me „sorry, I won't do it again" he told me and closed his locker „it's okay it just was too confusing for me in that moment" I smiled and he did too

Nick and chris smiled at each other and matt saw „shut the fuck up!" matt said and walked away „anyways who's with me in the next class?" they looked at their time table „I am!" nick said and smiled „okay lets go! Byee chris" we started walking to our class...

Hope you like it:)
Have a good day/ night<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2023 ⏰

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