The other side of kandyland

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Then the lights went off, besides the bright pink neon lights signs glowing.

Shark held princess closed, as they all looked around, they hear rumbling noises through the ventilation shafts...

Sounded liked something was crawling around.

Then in the backstage, all animatronics including one busted tooki and mr. Smiles.

They're created us not happy, "you had one job to do...ONE JOB"

His screams caused them all to jump, then he walks over to a control panel.

"If you want something done right, you got to do it yourself" he types on a keyboard and he speaks through the microphone.

"Attention personal, we have some unwanted visitors, initiate protocol: killjoy"

The computer responded back: operation protocol killjoy is now initiated.

In The shadow, the mysterious man was smiling sinisterly.

Then back with the bad guys, "ok now that we're locked in here, non of us are safe, we need to find a way out of here, we'll have to split, now Diane you and I-"

But before he could begin, snake stopped him.

"Wait? Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa"

Wolf stops and faces him, "what's wrong?" He asked.

"What are you crazy, Don't you remember the last time we split, every time we split up, something bad always happens, doesn't anyone every learn or watch horror movies"

"What makes the run-in we had with the mega pizza plex and the old fazbear's restaurants any different to this one"

"The point is, it's never a good idea to split up and I don't want princess to get hurt"

Then he felt princess grabbed his shoulders and he turns to face her.

"We do this or we don't this, either way we have to find a way out of here and I don't think the restaurant will be open till 6 am"

Shark might be the wisest parent but princess is truly the wise one.

She finally convinced snake, "ugh, alright fine, what do we do" snake asked wolf.

"Ok, I'll go with Diane to try and find any employees, there got to be one decent person here who can help us"

Everyone nodded in agreement, "piranha you and webs go find the security office to try to get the doors open"

"Yes" piranha cheered.

" snake go in the ventilation system to see what's making that noise"

Snake nodded and shark wrapped his arm around princess, pulling her closer.

"And I'll go with princess"

But when snake heard, he immediately was against it, after princess got attacked again.

"Oh no!, no way, You're not watching her this time" he grabs princess arm and pulls her away from him.

"She nearly hit hurt because of you" he jabs at shark.

And he got upset and smack his tail away, "it wasn't my fault"

"It's always your fault"

"Well if you weren't so busy arguing me about losing her, she would've gotten attacked"

"You couldn't even watch a baby alone in a nursery room"

"At least I'm not afraid animatronics or paranoia"

"TAKE IT BACK!" Snake kissed at him.

Then he and shark were about to attack each other when princess gets in between them.

"Whoa, guys please, we don't need any more fighting, isn't arguing what separates you guys, you always afire when we get stuck in situations like this, don't you see what this place is doing, it's turning you against each other, we can't let them control us"

Then snake and shark finally calm down while still angry at each other.

"So we could stay all night and argue or we could put this behind work together, either way we need to stick together to get a way out of here, I'll go with shark snake" she takes his arm and head further to the play place.

"Im not so sure it's a good idea princess"

"Snake i know sharks made some mistakes in the past, but he's a good man, I know he would never let anything hurt me, he'll protect me"

Snake was about to protest when he saw how princess trusted shark.

So he decided to give him a second chance, "ugh, alright, alright fine, but if anything happens to her, you're in big trouble" snake threatens him.

"Don't worry, I'll won't let anything happen to her" shark says.

"Ok, let's split up"

Everyone goes in different directions, wolf and Diane head to the bathroom stalls where Diane stops him and walks in one of them.

"Hang on" She says as she walks inside.

"What are you doing" he asked.

Then with shark and princess, they walk pass the dark playground.

"Hey?" Shark spoke to princess, she looks up at him.

"I wanna say thanks for helping me out there"

"Shark you know I love you but sometimes I worry and you know how snake can be, so prove me right and him wrong, please" she begged.

Shark saw how concerned princess and he smiles softly as he cups her hand in his and pats it.

"Don't worry princess, I promise I won't let you down" he promised.

"Thank you shark" She hugged hi man's they let go.

Piranha and webs went in a different direction, a hallway next to the backstage to find the office.

Piranha checks and tires to open every door that comes their way but it was locked.

"One of these got to be it" webs says as she crawled from the wall to the door, she pulls out her computer hoping to find a map of the place.

And as they walked, a thought came to piranha, "so webs?"

She looks up at him as they walked, "about our talk, did give princess the thing"

"Huh? Oh yeah...I did"

"Good good, because there is something else we need to talk about"

Things got awkward between them then snake slither inside one of the ventilation, he careful slithers inside, looking out for anything that was making noises.

Then back with wolf, he was waiting for Diane which seems like for hours.

He knocks on the door, "hey what's the hold up in there" he asked.

Then she came out as the crimson paw, "relax, i Just needed to changed after all"

Then back with shark and princess: they came to a dead end to the play place.

Shark sees deserted kid tables with leftover cake, half empty cups and half eaten pizzas.

He looks at the cake, his mouth drooling.

"Ohh cake"

"Come on shark quit fooling around and don't eat that cake you don't know how long it's been out"

"Ohh but It's cake, aw" he walks next to her.

Then behind a curtain, princess noticed something.

"Shark i found a door" She gasped.

"A door? Yes, we're saved, it's probably a fire door, I can't wait to tell the others"

But then something hit princess, "wait? Somethings not right?"
And when she opened the door, their mouths open wide as they came across strange.

"It's-it's-" shark stutter.

Then princess finished his sentence: "fazbear?"

the bad guys in: KANDYLANDWhere stories live. Discover now