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Everyone came back together in their own way.

Snake was trying to outrun teen chica, he escapes by escaping through the door shutting it behind him and when chica tries to open it, he barricades the door with a chair.

Then webs finished uploading the map of kandyland.

"Ok I'm down let's go" webs says.

Then piranha scoops up her butt and carries his pregnant wife bridal style.

"Here allow me, it's not good for my pregnant wife to walk when she's carrying a child"

Webs chuckles and wraps her arms around him tight, flattered by his chivalry then they walked out.

Shark kept his distance from princess as she was still afraid from him.

Her ears were down, she wrapped her arms around herself and shark dragged his feet.

Her ears were down, she wrapped her arms around herself and shark dragged his feet

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He walked behind, trying to keep her safe from both the animatronics and himself.

He lied to her, he said he was going to protect her but he nearly killed her, "snake was right about me, I couldn't protect princess I can't even protect her right now"

He needed to give her that...seeing that frightful look on her face made him think...he needed to give her some space, he owes her that.

Wolf and Diane ran back to the stage floor, snake slithered back at the same time, piranha ran while carrying webs and princess and shark arrived but both were looking hurt inside.

"Hey you ok" wolf asked snake who seems shaking as he had a-lot on his mind.

"Yeah yeah, i just been chased by a rat and I just found something that you might wanna see, it turns out kandyland was built on the same day the mega pizza plex was closed, so afton could be behind this and someone is helping him"

"Well we just had to deal with kandy and his friends, frankly they didn't seem to like us" wolf says.

"Because someone is ordering them to kill us" everyone turns to webs.

"Oh hey what happened to you guys" wolf asked as they walk up to him and piranha puts webs down.

"Oh we Just got attacked by some cowboy animatronic named billy"

"Billy?" Snake says "never heard of him"

Then webs pulls up profiles of kandyland.

"Someone programmed animatronics to attack us, it's almost like someone is trapping us here"

"That's because they are" snake says.

Then everyone turned his attention to him when he puts files he stole down.

"Someone wanted us to come here so they can trapped us, i think they been following us for years now and waited for the right time or in this case birthday"

the bad guys in: KANDYLANDWhere stories live. Discover now