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"C'mon baby, let's go."

Gently tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, I smile as Harry lets the tip of his fingertip trace across my jaw.

"Where are we?" Mumbling, I finally pry my eyes open. "Wanna keep sleeping."

Harry laughs. "We're at my place. Let's get you all changed and tucked into bed. Sound like a plan?"

"Mmm... Only if I can sleep with you." Lifting my head off of his shoulder, I let out a low groan as I stretch out from being cramped in the back of the uber.

Pressing a kiss to my forehead, Harry opens his door before coming over and opening mine to help me out onto the sidewalk. With a quick thanks to the driver, he slides his hand into mine and pulls me close as we walk up to the entrance to his building.

"So, how would you rate this Halloween?" His lips brush against my ear and send a wave of heat through my body.

Just the thought of what we did, what he did to me, not even an hour ago wakes me up better than any cup of coffee ever could.


The way that he can read my body and deliver every one of my needs and my wants, it was unlike anything else I'd ever experienced with someone else. Harry knew what I needed and would stop at nothing to give it to me— not even the threat of being caught in public was enough to stop him.

It sounds so stupid, but I'd never felt so alive.

The way he touched me, the way he spoke to me, the way he felt inside of me.

All of it was enough to ruin me for anyone else.

Stepping into the elevator, I can't stop the giggle that escapes me when Harry pulls me into his body. "I would say this has been the best Halloween yet."

"Yeah?" Harry leans forward to press a kiss to the corner of my jaw, making his way down the column of my throat as his hands slide down to my ass, gripping tightly. "Tell me about your favorite part."

Breathless from the feel of his lips moving across my collarbone, I close my eyes. "When you called me a little freak."

Harry groans as brings his lips back to mine, nipping my bottom lip lightly. "I wasn't sure if that was too far or not for you. Promise it wasn't?"

"I promise." Pressing my lips to his, I reach down to feel him. "This wasn't too bad either."

Tilting his head back with a throaty laugh, Harry shakes his head before looking down at me. "What am I gonna do with you, Murph... What am I gonna do?"

The elevator doors open as I step backwards, my fingers entwined with his as I pull him with me, a lazy smile across my face. "Hmm.. You could always start by eating m—"

"Good evening, Harry."

The sound of someone else talking makes me jump, stumbling over my feet only for Harry to wrap his arms around my waist with a laugh. "Hello there, Mrs. Daniels. How are you this evening?"

"I'm doing wonderful, thank you for asking." Her smile is knowing as she looks at the two of us. "You kids have a good night. Be safe!"

With that, she slips into the elevator with a wave as the doors close leaving both of us in the hallway.

"She always sees us at the worst times." I laugh as Harry leads us to his door. "I swear, she's one wrong move away from seeing me naked."

"Nope." With his key in the door, Harry pushes the door open before pulling me in quickly, turning me and pressing my back into it. "The only person that's going to see you naked is me. Hopefully the only one for a very, very, very long time."

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