Rafal's potion

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A couple of weeks passed, and Lady Lesso was still somewhat shaken by the pregnancy.  In addition, she avoided Professor Dovey at all costs, who tried over and over again to talk to her.  Lesso focused on classes, corrections, paperwork and work. But as much as she tried to avoid weighing on the baby, it was impossible.

One night while Lesso was sleeping, the dream she was living vanished and turned into a blood-red mist, a voice coming from it said: "Come immediately to the library" Lesso recognized Rafal's voice, so she woke up with a start and continued your orders.  When she got to the library, he was already waiting for her there.  "When you were thinking of telling me" Rafal said, Lesso looked at him confused so Rafal pointed to Lesso's belly, "I..." Lesso was speechless, she didn't know what to say.  "Don't bother, I know what you think and that's why I bring you this" said Rafal offering him a piece of paper, Lesso took it and looked at what was written, she realized it was a potion, "Why do I need this?" I ask Lesso without understanding.  "We both know that you are not made to be a mother", Lesso's soul broke upon hearing those words but Rafal continued "The universe has planned a better future for us, that is why I have given you this recipe, you will prepare it, and you will drink and that way the baby will disappear from your life".  Lesso was paralyzed by Rafal's words, "You mean I'm going to kill the baby?" Lesso asked and Rafal noticed her concern, "Oh come on, Lesso I know as much as you that you don't love that baby, and we know that deep down you agree with me, so... I think the decision has already been made, right?"  Rafal looked at Lesso and continued to finish convincing the teacher, because he knew her weak points "Lesso you know that I love you, and that I do it for your own good, just think about the future that awaits us" Lesso nodded with a slight smile, seeing that he had achieved what he wanted and he disappeared before Lesso could say anything.

Lesso spent the night without sleeping a wink, looking at the sheet that Rafal had given her and thinking about the words he said, when it began to dawn Lesso decided to prepare the potion as the recipe on the paper indicate.  When she finished it, it was breakfast time, so she decided to leave it and drink the potion in the afternoon after school, otherwise someone might suspect something.  When she entered the dining room, Professor Dovey noticed the bad face and dark circles under her eyes that Lesso had and asked her "Lesso are you fine?, you look tired" to which Lesso coldly replied "I'm perfectly fine" and left the way she had come.  She gave her classes and when they finished Lesso went to her office where the potion was waiting for her.  Lesso put the potion in a bowl, she looked at it for a while, doubting, until she finally decided to take it, but she drank a single swallow before throwing the bowl to the ground and feeling horribly bad for what she had just done.  Lesso began to cry bitterly, until she began to feel strong pinches in her belly that made her double over in pain, these punctures soon turned into stab wounds that caused her ten to end up lying on the ground writhing in pain.  The dean of evil ended up fainting from pain.

Professor Dovey, who was a bit worried about the dean of evil, so she decided to go see how she was.  When she arrived, she knocked several times on the door of Lesso's office without getting an answer, so she opened the door to see if there was anyone.  "Lesso?" Dovey said as she slowly opened the door and peeked out.  "OMG, Lesso!"  exclaimed the dean of good when she saw her unconscious partner lying on the ground.  The teacher knelt next to Lesso and shook her a little to see if she would wake up, unfortunately without success.  Dovey immediately called the fairies, who took Lesso to the infirmary.

In the infirmary, Lady Lesso was checked by the nurses, who informed Professor Dovey that the dean of evil had taken a potion to kill the baby.  Dovey was shocked.  "She is fine and will wake up at any moment, however, regarding the state of the baby, it is too early to say anything, despite the level of poison circulating in the blood was very low, so there is still hope that the baby is still alive" said the nurse and after that she left Dovey alone with Lesso who was beginning to wake up, Lesso opened her eyes and observed the dean of good who approached her somewhat annoyed.  "HOW DOES IT HAPPEN TO LESSO!" Dovey said angrily, yelling at Lesso. "What you've done is unforgivable, it's something so... so... She has no words, be thankful that you're alive" Dovey concluded before leaving the room, not realizing that the cold and cruel dean of evil was on the verge of tears.  Finally, the nurses allowed Lesso to leave.

Lesso locked herself in her room for days on end, crying profusely while blaming and insulting herself.  Dovey who felt bad after everything she had said to Lesso, she felt even worse knowing that the dean had locked herself in the room and had not come out even once to eat, so she decided to go to see her.  Dovey entered Lesso's office without finding anyone and heard rites and sobs coming from Lesso's room, so she approached it, which was ajar, and called.  Lesso raised her head to look at her and continued crying.  Dovey noticed Lady Lesso's bad appearance, she had red eyes from crying so much and black circles under her eyes from not having slept at all.  Dovey approached the bed where Lesso was crying and rubbed her back to try to calm her down.  "Lesso please calm down, you're killing yourself, if that's what I told you I didn't really mean it" said Dovey trying to comfort her.  "Yes you thought so, and you were right, I deserve to die, I'm a horrible and disgusting monster that has no forgiveness" said Lesso between sobs, "That's not true, also stop saying those horrible things, nobody deserves to die" said Dovey rubbing his back of the dean of evil who was crying more and more and her breathing became faster.  "I killed my baby, I'm horrible, I didn't want to do it when I took a sip I regretted it and dropped the potion on the ground" Lesso said as she gasped her breath even more.  "Enough Lesso, I know, I saw it when I entered the room and I saw you lying on the floor, you're a human, and you just made a mistake" said Dovey, "a big one" Lesso cut her off.  "Lesso, please listen to me. I have spoken to one of the nurses, and she has told me that your baby may still be alive." Lesso raised her head, remaining silent, before asking, "How can I know if it is?"  as tears spilled down her pale face.  "You are a witch, and you have a stronger connection with your baby than a normal person because of what you can feel when your baby moves, the nurse said that if you feel it in 4 days that means the baby is alive" explained Dovey.  After a while calming down Lesso she got it, she gave him food that Lesso devoured and finally Lesso fell asleep.  The 3 days that followed were very hard for Lesso, who returned to her normal life with the hope that her baby was alive, however, she felt nothing and her hope gradually disappeared, so the fourth and last day that would define everything. Lesso stay step locked up in her office correcting tests until Dovey came looking for her and convinced her to go for a walk.  The dean of evil had already lost all hope regarding his baby.  However, while she was walking next to Dovey while she was explaining all the fauna and flora to her, Lesso stopped when she felt something strange in her belly, like butterflies and something moving.  Dovey, who had walked a few more steps before realizing that she had left her partner behind her, turned around worried, "Lesso, are you okay?" Lesso didn't answer, she just touched her belly with her hand and to smile. The baby was alive.  That was the best moment of Lesso's life.

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