chapter five.

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Rowan was meticulous with the recommendations, you realized after a few hours of excessive reading. Each book had detailed descriptions of various beastmen, ranging from their origins to their behavioral patterns– you never knew there were this many books in the library regarding this matter.

He must've genuinely needed your help, then. You noted to do his homework seriously in the future.

In the end, you read all the books. Took lots of notes, and even did extra research by taking a short trip towards the library's beast section– but Tyler's species and the specific connection you had with him remained a mystery nonetheless.

However, you could determine its kind.

( Like something snapping into place– )

Imagine this: you are one complete soul, with no loose threads or wayward edges. You live at peace, at your own pace, with no other external factors– but something happens, and suddenly you're no longer whole.

An incomplete soul needs an anchor, so it clings to the nearest available soul possible– mending itself into it in the process, the loose threads and wayward edges becoming a knotted mess until you are whole again.

Here is the thing, there's no way to break the connection off unless you want to irreparably damage both of the souls since, after the process, there is no way to tell which one starts where.

And didn't it make sense? The dreams, visions, physical changes– because the two of you were apart, your souls were making up for it by bleeding your traits into the other. Making you think of each other. See each other– because what the other experienced was also your experience now.

There was also a fun little fact about the whole thing, and it went like this: you were supposed to die that day. The truth bit the ends of your skin as you read– there were few ways to mark an incomplete soul. A near-death experience was among the most common ones.

( Laughter bubbles up in your throat and panic sets in but there's nothing else and you will die )

And you were supposed to die, your soul was unraveling itself, but Tyler had latched onto you and made himself your anchor. ( Youryouryouryours– )

Why? Why did he want to save you so badly that he'd do that to himself? Did he even understand the severity of what he had done?

You didn't. You genuinely couldn't understand.

He used to be your friend. Past tense, meaning he wasn't anymore. Ever since he started to never answer your calls or texts, blew you off when you just wanted to catch up because he was your friend and you were worried but—

𝐂𝐀𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 ( 𝘸𝘦𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘥𝘢𝘺. )Where stories live. Discover now