Are you ok...?

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I had to piss so bad. 


I went to the restroom, Then i saw him...

Oh god. 

He was so seggy

"Exuse me siter can you help me?"

I didnt really have a answer. I stood there, Admiring his beauty.


I picked up his hands and helped him up.

"What were you doing here?" 

"I'm pregant  aewith baybe but my mom kick me out"

"Damn? Fatherless?"



"Here you can stay at my place, Ok?"

"Do i have t-"

"No, I can do free." 

"omg wow thanks"
"i have to piss very bad"

"Ohhh olk"

Me came to my house. It was fancy, Truly beactufil. But he was more prettier.
This is my love story. My life. 

My world will come to an end.

pregant james charles x Y/NWhere stories live. Discover now