If You Ever Come Back

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(Jess' POV)

9 months passed. Cody had healed. It took a few months but he survived. Louis and Eleanor broke up. Finally. I thought I'd never be rid of her. Me and Louis had been talking again but he still has no idea who I am. I'm gonna have to start dropping more obvious hints. Skye is doing ok. She seldom (hardly ever) mentions Niall. It's like she just got over him. Just like that. A click of the fingers and he was gone from her brain. He walked out of her life and she moved on like he was never even there at all. All the stuff they did together. The outings. Forgotten. The photos of them together. Burned or deleted. The memories. Lost. Harry, Zayn and Liam, who all of us could speak to because they hadn't done wrong, came to mine and Skye's flat. Zara and Cody were over, spending time with Skye and me before Zara took Cody away back to Australia where she works and now lives. "Wassup Haz?" Apart from Louis, Harry was my closest friend in the band. Skye is slowly forgiving Louis, Zara less so. She still struggles to be in a room with him with people, so god knows how she'll react if it was in a room, just them two.

The boys and us have kept Skye away from Niall, didn't want a repeat, Skye and Cody have had enough trauma. Particularly Cody, I mean, Niall kicked in the ribs, IN THE RIBS! And Louis STRANGLED HIM! WTF is wrong with boys these days?!!

"Hey, Jess, we're all really missing you guys, we know Ni and Lou did wrong but they are really sorry and I know what happened between Skye and Niall is messy but we still wanna see you guys and we were wondering if..." he broke off. Liam stepped in

"If you would to come to our concert on Friday?"

"Sure, I'd love to" I smiled, what about Skye?

"Sounds like a party" An Irish voice could be heard from behind us. I swivelled round. How does she do it? She was only wearing sweatpants and she still looked gorgeous. Why she's been single all her life I've got no clue.

"I don't like parties" I frowned.

"Skye, I'm not gonna go if you don't want m-" she cut me off

"Go, you need to spend as much time as possible with Louis, I'm fine, I'm going to stay with Z and Codes for a bit in Australia, that's my leave that I'm taking this year, just a week or so, to help Codes settle back in, that ok Boss?" It was cute that she still referred me as boss. I smiled and nodded. She high-fived her sister. Skye never takes leave and if she was only gone for a week I could manage. That girl needed a break.

(the next morning)

I woke up with the sun shining on my face. I opened my eyes, then quickly shut them. That sun was bright. I rolled over and fell out the bed with a flump.

"Ugh" I groaned, getting up.

I walked over to my wardrobe and stared at the rack of clothes in there, nothing grabbed me and said 'wear me!!' so I walked off to the bathroom for a shower. I got out the shower 10 minutes later, and went to find Skye, I need her help on finding something to wear for work.

"hey, Skye, oh" She was on the phone to someone, she was upset and angry. Her face was red and puffy like she'd been furiously crying. She has anger issues so when she was in this mood you don't say anything and let her calm down.

"Ugh, FUCK OFF, YOU PRICK, I HATE YOU!" she hung up the phone and threw it on the couch and then turned and looked at me. "Oh.." her voice cracked "Jess..." then she burst into tears again. I pulled her in for a hug and rocked her side to side while she cried on to my towel covered chest.

"It was Niall..." she laughed sarcastically, I hugged her tighter and kissed her hair. She was so sensitive, you wouldn't think it with her language that she come out with but underneath she is broken and she's struggling to fix herself.

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