"Is she still alive??!!"

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My mind was closing, I desperately tried to open my eyes, kick my legs. Move somehow. Nothing. I couldn't do anything. I was helpless. So I just let the water take me. I had no energy to fight. I braced myself for the impact the of the sea floor. But I didn't hit it. I felt a strong pair of arms grab me and pull me up towards the surface. My eyes were closed. I tries to move, open my eyes, kick my legs, anything. Nothing. I couldn't move at all and just let the strangers hands take me. I had no energy to help. I felt myself being dragged out the water and up the beach and being laid down. I forced my eyes open, the sun glared into my eyes. I shut them tight again. I could hear faint echo's of my name, they were growing louder. My eyes flickered open. I was expecting to see the sun again but I was faced with about a head, looking at me worriedly. I coughed, I sat up slightly and turned to my side to cough up the water. I gasped in a breath loudly. It felt like I hadn't breathed properly for years.

"You're ok, Skye, it's ok, I've got you"

"C-Cody?" I spluttered through coughs.

"Hello stranger" he smiled, I smiled back, trying to regulate my breathing. He brought me in for a hug. I hugged back. Then Louis and Liam ran over with Niall and Jess.

"What the hell?? Oh my god!! Baby are you ok? What the heck happened?" Niall yelled, kneeling beside as my head flopped into his lap with fatigue. I sighed.

"Cody hold my hand" I whispered. I felt Niall tense up, but I brushed it off. I missed Cody, I haven't seen him for years, I need my best friend, not my possible boyfriend. I love Niall, don't get me wrong, but Cody just saved me from drowning. I felt Cody slide his hand into mine and squeeze it gently smiling at me. I smiled weakly at him and then him and Niall helped me up. I leant on Niall and he wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me close to stop me from falling since I was still trying to breathe properly and calm down. We sat back down on the beach, I was sat on Niall's lap and Cody was on the other side of me. I was resting my head on Niall's shoulder and holding Cody's hand.

"Boo!!" I jumped. A voice shouted from behind us. I recognized that voice from somewhere but I couldn't place who it was. "Hey baby" I heard Cody say to the voice. I looked up at the person and smiled one of the biggest smiles I ever have. The last time I smiled like that was when Niall told me I was pretty. Zara. My elder sister. The only family member who actually looked after me. She went to university to find a life. She did well, got a degree, and now evidently, my best friend is now her boyfriend. "Heya" she smiled at Cody. Then she saw me and her face changed. "Oh my god" I waved slightly at her she went her knees and pulled me into a hug. "Oh sweet lord, oh baby you're alive, oh my god" she kissed my hair, tears falling from her scarlett-brown eyes. "H-hey Z, how are you?" I nuzzled my face into her hair. She still smells the same. 5 years later. 

"All the better now, knowing my baby sister is alive"

"Wait you two are sisters?" 

"Yes" we both laughed.

"Ahh, makes sense now, you both have the same hair and eye colour, you look similar and you have the same accents"

We smiled at each other. I had no idea how much I missed my elder sister.

Save me - *sequel* to ForgottenWhere stories live. Discover now