His backstory part 3+UA Sports festival

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Y/n Pov
I woke up in a complete daze which was normal when I ran out of blood. But this time was different. Instead of being in a random part of the city surrounded by half eaten corpses and blood splattered across the floor, I was still inside my room resting on my bed. I had no idea of what happened to make me stay but then I heard the sound of someone in the bathroom. I thought a thief had broken in so I got up and crept towards the door. Immediately I noticed several pieces of broken wood scattered across the floor. As I wandered across my broken home a staggering pain came up my spine as my head started ringing. The inner demons then spoke again.
Inner demons:Master, our little blood bitch has gifted us a splendid power. Her own through blood. Shall we test it out?
Me:Don't call Nejire that again!
Then I realized two things. The most important right now was the fact that Nejire was somewhere in my house and I hoped I didn't hurt her too bad. And the second was that I found a new aspect of my quirk. This didn't happen before presumably because I only drank from refrigerated blood from the hospital but I remember sucking fresh blood from Neire. So Vampire must have allowed me to copy or mimic aspects of people's blood as long as it was fresh. I couldn't worry about that now as I used my strong sense of smell to hunt down Nejire. I found her bandaging her arm in my bathroom.
Her Periwinkle hair flowed in the air as she turned around to see me as she then tackled me in a hug.
Nejire:You're ok!
Me:Yeah I am. But what about you?
Nejire:I am fine.
She then suddenly got serious as she dragged me back to my room. Her scent was now driving me crazy as the taste of her blood which was similar to bubblegum which was reflected by her bubbly personality lingered on my fangs and her revealed neck didn't make it any better as it made the beast within bang in the mental cage I created for it. Had she turned back to me she would have noticed them salivating and my red eye pupils shrink to slits like a predator. However, I kept myself composed as she pushed me to the bed and sat next to me.
Nejire:Now tell me the truth.
Me:What do you mean?
Nejire:I noticed scars on your body during the training exercise and they don't look like training scars. They look like the kind from a knife. Now please tell me what happened. You can trust me .
I took a deep breathe. I never told anyone about this. Not even the police or any of the neighbours. Hell the neighbours probably wouldn't even believe me if I told them. But something about Nejire made me think that I could trust her with this secret.
Me:It all started about 15 years ago. My mother, a former beauty icon was raped by a villain. And this wasn't once it, this occurred numerous times. She said that his faced was always hidden by darkeness but on the final incidence, where I was conceived, she saw his face and it was grotesque to the point that he didn't even have eyes. Just a cruel smirk as he continued his devilish act. After that she never saw him again and she was pregnant. She had to quit her job and move her to this house. The house was much nicer then it currently was and she lost everything. Her fame and fortune disappeared as heroes became more prevalent in the area. Reduced to nothing more then a simple civilian. Then I was born and from that moment she knew I was a monster. After all, my father was the masked rapist who hurt her emotionally. And it didn't help that when I was able to walk and speak I showed signs of my quirk. Since then she hated my and would frequently torture me by stabbing me.
Nejire gasped as I continued.
Me:And when I told people about it they didn't believe since I was the neighborhood monster after all. But all that hate made me want to become a hero even more. However, when I was only 10 the true power of my quirk came. I ran out of blood and all the hatred I built towards my mother caused me to go into a blind rage and well what happened to you happened to my mother and lots of the surrounding people. The people who live here now are all new and they weren't told about what I did. All the killings my quirk did. I don't even belong at UA.
But before I could finish Nejire hugger my tight.
Nejire:You are not a monster. You are so kind and sweethearted. I now about how you stopped that creep from staring at the girls and you do have the heart of the hero. That is why I admire you. And like you said you turned the bullying you received into determination to become a hero. Heck you are even at the top of the class between us. And I know the real you and I love you.
That last statement caused us both to blush before I let a bit of the inner demon take hold as I turned her to face me and we kissed just as the holy moonlight from my window poked through a shattered window and shone on us.
Me:I love you too Nejire. From the moment we met I knew there was something different about you. Until now everyone I tried to be friends with walked away from me and feared me. But you were the first person in years to actually speak to me. And since then I have always loved you. So Nejire Hado would you like to be my girlfriend?
Nejire has tears in her eyes as she smiled.
She hugged me as we both fell into my bed. For the remainder of the day Nejire called her parents and asked to the stay the night at my place. I didn't know why she would want to stay here but I didn't mind as we ate a restaurant. I the told her about how I accumulated a new quirk thanks to her and we spent an hour trying to figure it out. We called it Blood Lust and it was almost exactly like Wave motion but it required exposed blood to be used.

The next day
It was the day of the UA sports festival that Mrs Midnight told us about. We arrived at school and all the first year students were meant to gather in the stadium but Midnight held me back for moment.
Midnight:Y/n I heard that you had scars in your body from possible abuse. Is everything alright?
Inner demon:Your bitch of a girlfriend rated us out! Why waste out time here instead of draining her body of blood as payback?
Me:Shut up, she was probably worried.
I stared at Midnight as I spoke to her directly. I recounted my tale about my abusive mother, how she stabbed me and how I killed her.
Midnight:That is awful. If there is anything I can do for you just ask.
I nodded before heading to the stadium. Our classes were called out and when Me, Nejire, Mirio and Tamaki entered everyone has their eyes on us. It made sense as we were the class who has a large majority expelled. Midnight took her place on the podium as she introduced the UA Sports festival.
Midnight:Welcome everyone to the UA Sports festival! I am your host Midnight and today our first years will show everyone what they are made of. But first a speech from our representative Y/n!
I was shocked as Nejire and the others urged me to walk forwards as I took the mic. I had no idea of what to say so I learned towards what the inner demon was saying in my head.
Me:I won't waste time with speeches when we all want to get to the crushing. So let me be clear. I will be the one to come out on top and anyone standing in my way will be demolished.
I handed the mic back to Midnight as boos rang out from the students. When I made it back to my class Nejire poked my arm while pouting.
Nejire:Did you have to say it like that?
Y/n:Blame the guy in my head.
They weren't shocked by what I said as I explained to them prior about how the inner demon speaks to me. Midnight then brought a giant wheel down as it began to spin.
Midnight:What will our students have to face in the first event!
It stopped on an image with two teams batting each other.
Midnight:It is the duos battle Royale! Each student will team up with another and the last 42 remaining will move onto the next round.
Students began forming teams. I of course team up with Nejire and Mirio and Tamaki formed a team.
Midnight:Now before we begin, because of popular demand from many spectators we have allowed the hero course students to perform with their costumes!
The crowd erupted as the hero course students rushed to get their costumes on. The event then started with each duo held together by a rope. If the rope broke we would be disqualified but I had no worries.
Me:Let's go!

We both used our quirks to fly up as we watched from above. We saw Mirio and Tamaki fighting off people dressed as the average hero and Tamaki easily beat them with his octopus arms. I extend a nail as I pierced my own skin. The blood poured out as my eyes gleamed red along with Nejire extending her arms out to send her own waves. I then turned the blood into red rings of energy that caused chaos and destruction. Many students groaned in pain. When our attacks stopped only us four remained. None of the other students were in any conditions to fight even with Recovery Girl's assistance. So we were rushed into the battling round. The first match was me vs Tamaki.
Tamaki:I guess so.
Midnight:Battle begin!
I rushed towards Tamaki as he used clam shields to block my attack as I then circled around him punching him in the back before circling back around him for a punch to the gut. I must have hit him really hard as blood came out and it landed in my mouth as I accidentally swallowed it. The blood was very exotic with a tangy flavor to it. As Tamaki flew out of bounds I felt his the accumulation of his quirk in my veins. The demon within me seemed to like this one more then Nejire's and as I left I ran to where Tamaki was taken. He just needed rest so I talked with him.
Me:Hey Tamaki?
Me:When we battled a bit of your blood fell in my mouth.
He didn't show signs of being uncomfortable so I continued.
Y/n:What I didn't tell you about a quirk is something that I recently found out. When I drink fresh blood I can form new quirks for me to use. Like that attack I used last round was from drinking Nejire's blood. So I have to ask. How do you activate your quirk?
Tamaki was puzzled for a moment before he answered me.
Tamaki:I imagine certain aspects of the food I ate and use it in combat. Imagination is a key part of my fighting skill.
Me:Thanks man.
I then left him to rest as the next match was up. Mirio just beat Nejire by forcing her to surrender so it was me vs him.
We both rushed towards each other as he dove into the ground. I stopped, remembering what Tamaki said.
Me:Imagine it and then it comes out.
I focused hard as I jumped out of the way of Mirio's punch. I imagined what this quirk could have been as red tendrils leaked from my body. The ability to absorb aspects of food and use them from combat transformed this into a skill I shall call....
The tendrils latched onto Mirio before he could avoid me and they started rid rain him of his life fluid while pumping in a toxin that I had no idea I could create. He began drowsy before he collapsed to the ground. I was named the winner as I ran up to him and helped him up. I could just feel his quirk working inside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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