His backstory part 2

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Nejire POV
The train stopped and he got off. I followed him out and saw him walk over to a house . It was outside of any neighborhoods and was kind of an outcast. But it was time to get some answers. The house he entered was very old and to most it looked like an old shack. I crept by the back and peered through a window of a room that he entered into. He threw his bag onto the bed as he sat by the desk. He opened the drawer to reveal that it was stuffed by the blood packs he would normally suck on. However, they were all empty and this made his face turn to one of worry.

Y/n Pov
This couldn't be happening! I ran out of blood packs. Maybe due to the training I was doing I got a tad more exhausted then I normally would be. How could I be so careless?
Me:No, no, no.
I clenched my head as the world seemed to start spinning and my fangs sharpened. I could hear my clothes begin to tear up as I pleaded.
Me:No please. Not now!
Suddenly I screamed in pain.

Nejire Pov
Suddenly Y/n screamed in pain as he clutched his head. I rushed to the door and busted through it.
Me:Are you okay?!
But he didn't respond as he still screamed. Suddenly his clothes began to rip apart as he grew in size. His razor sharp fangs glistening from their newly found sharpness and his eyes becoming purely red. His arms extended further and large wings began to form underneath them.

Me:Y-y/n? Y/n, or at least that's what I thought this was, roared at me as he lunged towards me

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Y/n, or at least that's what I thought this was, roared at me as he lunged towards me. I darted out of the way as his fist collided with the floor which sent a vicious shockwave forward and caused the ground to splinter. This was unlike the strength the showed at training. He hadn't seem to power up at that moment so when he is like this it seemed he had no limiting factors to his quirk. He launched himself at me once more as I dodged it's running into a nearby room and locking the door as well as pushing a closet against it but that seemed to only delay his ramage as he busted through it easily. I ran with tears rolling my face as Y/n followed me further through his home. I made it to his bedroom where he cornered me.
Me:Is this how I die by the hands of one of my best friends?
Suddenly, it dawned on me why he was like this. He ran out of blood. So this must be a massive downside of his quirk. I knew what I had to do. As Y/n opened his mouth wide to presumably try to eat me I used my quirk to propel myself up and fit my arm into his mouth underneath his sharp fangs before forcefully closing it. It could feel the blood leaving my body but I didn't care as I wanted to make sure he was alright
Relief crossed my face as I saw that crazed, murderous look in his eyes fade as he began to shrink in size. He returned back to the Y/n I knew. His unconscious body laid on the floor as I went off to the bathroom to bandage my arm.

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