Chapter 8- A Wolf Among Ravens

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Dan headed towards the window and saw the cause of the mass panic. Hundreds of twisted humanoids, similar to the military commander, filled the streets, causing panic, attacking anything within sight. Dan was enraged that the man's dying act was to use Dan's gift against him, against everyone. "The sick bastard was gonna weaponise this!". Dan jumped out of the window and slipped out of a gap in the fence. Just as a creature jumped towards a citizen, Dan caught it in mid air and pulled it towards him before using a TK enhanced punch to send it across the street. Dan fought off as many of these creatures as he could, throwing, stabbing, punching and kicking as many of them as he could, before the real "parting gift" made itself known. A towering creature, much the same as the rest , although significantly larger, let out a deep, guttural snarl. It was responsible for the collapsed bridges and buildings, and was heard all over new haven. Dan faced it and realised it was time to make an important decision. He instantly made up his mind, and began climbing the nearest building in an attempt to get level with the creature.
News helicopters were everywhere, and Aurora was watching. She knew it was Dan out there, how could it not be? She was terrified, but she believed in him.
Dan was finally level with the creature, staring it straight in the face. He was absolutely petrified, but he had to stop it somehow. He tightened his fist around his dagger and run towards the behemoth, attempting to slice at its face. The behemoth swatted Dan straight in the face and grabbed him, squeezing the air out of his lungs. It threw him back onto the building and let out another extended roar. Dan seized the opportunity to spring back up and dive into the creature's mouth, using his dagger to slice the creature's tongue. He then used telekenesis to crush it's uvula and descend down its throat, slicing it's windpipe and exiting through its diaphragm. Dan looked up and saw the creature's heart, and began to tug at it with telekenesis.

As Aurora watched, she began to cry, believing Dan to be dead, unaware that he was killing the behemoth from inside.

Dan used all of his energy on one final pull and managed to rip the heart from its position, snapping all the tubes and valves. The creature stumbled for a mile due to its size before collapsing, dead on the street. A great deal of the lesser creatures died, although some remained, infecting citizens with PCR and then retreating to derelict buildings to take shelter from the sunrise. Aurora headed into the city center to retrieve Dan. She passed abandoned cars, destroyed homes, ruined families and countless other atrocities on the way. She finally reached the corpse of the behemoth, and found only her gift to Dan, the wooden dagger, and a cut in the creature's stomach, accented by potent stomach acid. She was told by many witnesses that Dan never emerged, and all evidence suggested this to be true. Dan was dead, not even able to say goodbye. She began to cry, clutching the dagger tightly to her chest as tears rolled down her face. She halfheartedly made her way home, heartbroken.
Dan was hailed as a hero by the people of New Haven, and the other kids with PCJ felt safe to come out as possessing a small amount of the chemical, becoming the guardians of New Haven. However the PCJ infection threat remained, forcing people to fortify buildings and stick together to stay alive.

Aurora went to sleep that night after hours of reminiscing. She had a dream in which she was in a very surreal world. A city in a void of nothingness. It was vibrantly coloured and abstractly designed, floating chunks of walls were walked upon as floors, buildings were upside-down. She walked for what felt like an eternity before she saw a figure in the distance. She called out to it, but to no avail. It couldn't hear her. She sprinted towards it, hoping to make some form of contact. She reached the figure and tapped it on the shoulder. She was noting its familiar hoodie as it turned around. Before it could truly face her, she woke up. She sat up and prepared for the new day and the struggle ahead for New Haven.
Meanwhile, in Limbo, a new visitor had arrived.

-The End-

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