Where time is going

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It had been three or four years since then. I'm twenty-two now, a year into working at Ilvermorny. I teach transfiguration, not what I wanted, but it will do.

Remus, Lily, Sirius, and even Marlene keep in touch with me. They constantly send me letters about what's happening in their lives and how the war is going. What James is up to. I don't really think they've given up on us, even though we haven't spoken since the night of the party. They always remind me that he is single or if he so happens to mention my name. I push that information down and lock it away.

My favorite thing to receive though are pictures of baby Harry. He's Lily's little one year old. She is raising him herself and he is her entire world. Of course, she is a single mom, but I hear that the marauders are practically always in her little cottage helping out.

Lately, the letters had slowed. The war was brewing worse than it had been and each of my old friends play a role. It makes me itch to return to help and protect them.

It was October 31st and I had returned home for the night. For some reason I had been anxious all day and the stress was eating me alive. Something was going to happen tonight.

I sigh deeply, walking back and forth in my little apartment kitchen. The microwave's hum is the only sound in the room and I can't stop glancing at the door, though I'm not expecting anybody.

I stab my fork into the Salisbury steak, leaning over the kitchen counter. I look back at the door and a knock sounds. My heartbeat quickens, but I find myself rushing over.

I look through the peep-hole and my eyes grow. I fling the door open, "Lily?!" She looks a mess and dreadfully tired as she steps in. Harry is held in one arm and a thick bag packed full hangs from the other. "What-?"

"He's coming." She says, laying harry on the counter and quickly changing him. "He's after Harry."

My eyebrows furrow, "what does he need with a baby boy?" I watch Harry giggle as he pulls at his moms bright red hair.

"There is a prophecy," she says and closes her eyes against the tears, "this isn't fair, so much pressure right at the beginning."

"Lily-" suddenly an explosion could be heard down the hall.

"You have to take him." She says quickly, moving to stand in front of the door, wand held tightly in her hand.

"What? Why?"

"You have to take him to Dumbledore. I came here thinking I could hide, get him off our tail, but this has clearly failed. Harry's best bet is Dumbledore." She returns to Harry's side and looks down at him with a warm comforting smile. She places a kiss on his forehead, "I love you, Harry." She pulls me in for a tight hug, "now go."

For a brief moment, I want to protest. I want to say I can't be entrusted the life of something so pure and helpless. But a scream rings out and I quickly grab Harry and the bag.

I hold Harry close and stand on the sidewalk, head flying in multiple directions as tears threaten. I don't know what to do, I don't know what to do, "Y/N?!" My head flies to the voice. There he is.

"James?" I breath out, confused, "James, what do I do?" I ask frantically, breathing erratically.

"Where's Lily?" He brushes a soft hand over Harry's head.

"Upstairs, she told me to take him."

He pulls us into a hidden alley, "just wait here." The man says, softly, before apparating away.

I sit against the wall, holding Harry close and pulling his little hat over his ears. "Harry, it's nice to finally meet you," I say, holding back tears because I don't want him to start to cry, "I'm Y/N."

He let's out a slew of unintelligible noises and smiles at me. I give him a small smile back, "I can't believe you're Lily's baby." I whisper and look around, nothing, "Potter needs to hurry up. That kid, I can't believe I haven't seen him in like four years." I ramble to the baby that has no idea what I'm talking about, "rightfully, he's an ass- jerk, I mean, sorry," I smile at him, " we used to have a thing, but it ended right when it began because he was acting like a baby that couldn't understand," I look him over, "no offense."

"Are you done bad mouthing me to my godchild?" James questions with an 'are you serious' kind of look. Harry's godfathers are James then Sirius. His godmothers are Marlene, then me. Basically if the first dies the next takes their place. It's best to be careful in times like these.

I look up and stand quickly, studying the tears that made a steady stream from his eyes. "Lily?" He shakes his head and I quickly hand Harry over and step away.

I clutch my stomach as though it was going to make me sick. I allow the tears to fall, "we have to go."

"We?" I spin around to face the boy that I had left behind in England.

He bounces Harry slightly and plays with his hands. He maintains a flat look as he eyes me, "yes we, Lily clearly wanted you to help Harry and I am not letting you do it alone. Harry needs as much protection as he can get." He clarifies, making sure I know he's there for Harry. Not me.

I sigh, wishing I could protest and smash his face into the pavement. This is for Harry though. "Fine, let's go." I walk out and look around unsure.

"Another reason why I'm here." He mutters brushing passed me. This should be good. "The first port key is compromised, we'll have to hitchhike to the second."

Endlessly Gravitating (James Potter X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now