Chapter 2: One More Day.

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A repetitive beep would wake the young man as he yawned, shutting off the alarm. With the alarm off, he'd run through his morning routine and prepare himself for class.

After a quick breakfast, Yugi would leave the dorms and make his way toward the academy.

"Yugi!" A distant voice would yell as Yugi turned his head back to see Tsukune being chased down by Moka. "Huh?"

"Help!!!" Tsukune would yell, getting closer to the young duelist. "Just one let me have one sip Tsukune-kun! Please!"

The boy would finally reach Yugi, and use him as cover from the girl. "Moka? What's going on?" Yugi asked, tilting his head. "She's trying to use me as food!" He said, pointing at her.

"Food?" Yugi repeated as his brow raised, looking between the two. "Oh right. Moka-san's a vampire," Tsukune explained as he continued to cower behind the young duelist. "Vampire..?"

He repeated, glancing at Moka and tilting his head. He'd scratch the back of his head before looking at Tsukune. "Are you sure?" Yugi asked.

Moka would clear her throat as the two boys looked back at her. "Well I may not look like it but I really am a vampire. See, look," she paused, pointing to the rosary on her chest. "This rosary seals away my true form and evil personality."

"Evil?" Yugi repeated as a faint sense of déjà vu hit him.

"But even if my power is sealed, I still end up craving blood," she finished explaining as Yugi nodded, looking down at the puzzle. "Evil personality huh..?" He muttered with a small frown gracing his features.

"What's wrong Yugi?" Moka asked as Yugi looked back up. He'd put up a faux smile, reassuring the girl. "It's nothing."

From there, Yugi would split from the duo as he made his way to class. Walking through the large hallways, he'd continue to ponder his situation here. Though his thoughts would come to an abrupt end as he bumped head first into someone.

"Huh? Oh it's you again."

Yugi would step back, noticing his carelessness before blushing and bowing, "I'm so sorry!"

He'd look up, seeing the bluenette he'd met yesterday. "You okay?" She asked as Yugi would nod. "Yeah, I just got a little lost in thought," he answered, preparing to leave.

"Hm, I wonder what about..?" She asked in a seductive tone as she closed the distance between their faces. A faint pink flash would emanate from her eyes as Yugi's eyes widened.

The once bright glow in his eyes had faded as the girl chuckled, hugging Yugi and beginning to whisper. "I planned on getting Tsukune first but you'll do."

The puzzle would glint unnoticeably as the girl would let go of the boy. "By the way, my name's Kurono Kurumu. Now then my precious little dork, I want you to find Tsukune and bring him to me."

"Mm," Yugi responded with a nod. "Good boy."

Yugi would turn and prepare to leave before the puzzle would glint once more as the color would return to Yugi's eyes once more. "Wait... Kurumu-san, what do you want with Tsukune?"

Kurumu's eyes would widen for a moment before they flashed pink once more, enchanting the boy once again. "I must've used too little power the first time," she commented, tapping her chin before looking back at Yugi.

"But to answer your question, I'm a succubus, and I'm doing this because the existence of my race is at stake. Succubi need to choose their destined mate to be with forever, and to do that, we need a large group of men under our control and from there, we pick just one," she'd explain, lifting up her pointer finger for emphasis.

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