The Gate to the Deep

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Gléowyn trotted up to the gate of the great fortress, excitement bubbling up in her as she looked around. "This is it. It's time for me to fight back." She thought as the gates opened and she nudged Béma through them. "State your name and your business." A guard walked toward her. "My name is Fulgar, son of Dernfara." She bluffed. "My business is that I wish to fight against the orcs that come to destroy us." She said, staring down at the guard. She let out a small sigh of relief as the guard stepped out of the way, and the gate closed behind her with a dull hallow sounding thud.
Gléowyn walked out of the armory with new armor, when she nearly walked into a very short stout dwarf with a thick red beard, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." She said, backing up a few steps. "It's alright laddie. You appear to be in a rush, what's the matter?" A look of concern crossed his face. "It's just that, well the other men don't think we will survive the night." She looked down at the ground, a rush of fear hitting her. "You have nothing to worry about. We have Aragorn, me, a bunch of elves, and you brave men, what do they have? Nothing compared to us." He said, looking up into the young face of Gléowyn. "Now, you best get ready to fight. Because they are coming soon." He rushed off. Gléowyn walked towards the battlements to see what she could see. She became dizzy at the sight in front of her, thousands of Uruk-hai marched up the deepening-comb towards them. "Doom, we are doomed..." She fell into a river of despair. "Do not lose hope, for there is always some." Said an elf beside her. "But hope has already slipped away from me." She looked over at him. "Then know that we will die with honor." He turned and looked down at her. "I know who you are, for I have seen your face before. You were younger then Gléowyn, daughter of Mahtarwen." He said, lifting the helm off of her head. "Give that back!" She yelped grabbing the helm from him and putting it back on. "No one can know who I am!" She put her head in her hands. "Then do not worry, I will tell no one." He looked back at the Deepening-comb, anxious at what was to come. "What do you mean though when you say that you know who I am?" She asked curiously. "Do you not remember?" He asked cocking his head to the side with a curious expression on his face. "What am I supposed to remember?" She asked, narrowing her eyes suspiciously. "You and your mother were the only ones he could save. Your father was struck down trying to defend you." He said, with a concerned look on his face. "Struck down by who and where?" She asked, afraid that she already knew the answer to the first question. "He was struck down by Goblins in Mirkwood. I would have thought you knew." He sighed. "Well I didn't. Now who are you and how did you know that?" She questioned him, glaring at him. As far as she could remember she had never been to Mirkwood and she had never met this mysterious elf. "I am Legolas of the Woodland realm."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2015 ⏰

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