Chapter 2: Early 1986

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: Early morning at home:

Good morning boys. (Diana said walking downstairs to the living room where Taylor and Isaac were sitting watching cartoons) Did you two have breakfast? Yea we did! (Isaac exclaimed turning to his mom before looking back at the tv) Alrighty! (Diana walked into the kitchen and got herself a drink before going upstairs to get Zac who was in his crib still, then she went to the sensory/playroom before putting Zac down with toys as Taylor ran into the room and ran to her) What ya want buddy? (Diana asked, Taylor turned and pointed to the shelf where his bucket of dinosaurs were) Oh you want the dinosaurs. (Diana walked over to the shelf and grabbed the bucket of dinosaurs and handed it to Taylor, he grabbed the bucket of dinosaurs before running back outta the room and ran back down to the living room and sat back on the couch, Taylor was getting better at pointing to things he wanted since he couldn't talk) Rawr! (Taylor imitated to his older brother who was doing some schoolwork at the table in the living room) Rawr to you! (Isaac said back smiling at his little brother who giggled at the comment before tugging on his brother to go sit at the kitchen table with him and help him get the craft supplies down from the kitchen cupboard)

:at the table:

(Isaac continued on working on his schoolwork while Taylor sat at the end messing with the craft supplies dumping glitter and glue on the construction paper before getting up and throwing felt shapes at Isaac) Don't throw those at me Taylor I am trying to do work! (Isaac said turning to his 3-year-old brother who was giggling at what he did before throwing some erasers at him too which made Isaac upset) Stop Taylor! (Isaac said lightly shoving his brother which made Taylor fall back into the sliding door, Taylor looked and frowned at what happened and he stood up before going over and grabbing the bottle of Elmer's glue off the table and squeezing it on his brother's head which caused Isaac to jump out his seat and look at his brother in shock) Taylor!! (Isaac yelled before looking at the glue dripping down his head) MOM!!! (Isaac shouted as his mom came down the stairs with Zac quickly setting him down in the highchair before going over to Isaac) What happened Isaac? Taylor dumped the glue bottle on me and he made a mess (Isaac whined to his mom before pointing over to where Taylor had gotten felt shapes and erasers all over the floor) Oh dear!! (Diana looked over at Taylor who was just standing there confused and upset as he realized what he did) Taylor why did you dump glue on him? (Diana said looking at her son who just shrugged and sat back in his chair and started cleaning the table as Diana just shook her head and led Isaac to the upstairs bathroom to see what she could do, she ended up shaving Isaac's head since the glue wouldn't come off and then put Taylor in his room and Zac down for a nap) 

*Later that day* 

(After the incident from this morning Taylor ended up staying in his room playing with his dinosaurs and working with the Occupational Therapist once she came for a couple hours) Getting better Taylor why don't we draw some circles again (she said pointing down to the paper before drawing a few circles and Taylor tried to imitate the circles getting pretty close, but the circles weren't quite complete circles yet) Very good Taylor! (the therapist smiled as she finished packing up her other stuff and stood up) I got to get going but you have fun ok (she said walking out of the room as Taylor semi waved goodbye and went to his bed to nap, he was quite exhausted from the therapy and morning, while Taylor was napping the babysitter came to watch the boys while Diana went shopping for groceries and take Zac for an evaluation this was the first of two he was going to have a 6 month appointment and a 1 and a half appointment just to make sure he was developing at the right speed) Ok thank you I will be back in like an hour or so (Diana said to the babysitter as she walked out and shut the door, she went to the appointment and right now they said Zac seemed like a perfectly healthy 6 month old and that so far they saw no issues with him) 

*At the appointment* 

Well Zac seems like he's doing well Mrs. Hanson, he communicates well, he has some great hearing and seems like a genuinely happy child. (The doctor said as she smiled at Zac who was messing with a block on the floor) That's great thank you! (Diana said smiling they finished talking and she headed out for the store to get groceries and head back to the house)

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