Chapter 17: Mid 1992

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(Taylor and Zac were sitting on the couch watching cartoons while Isaac played with the girls outside) Aren't you two gonna join your siblings outside it's a nice day? (Diana asked walking out to the living room and sitting down on the couch giving the kids some cheeze its and some cans of soda) No the cartoons are on maybe when they are done. (Zac said opening his and Taylor's soda and sitting back with his blanket and placed the crackers between them) If you say so just don't get too many crumbs on the couch. (Diana said getting up and heading to her bedroom to clean up and the boys finished their snacks and cartoons and then joined Isaac and the girls outside)

:1 hour later: 

(Taylor and Zac were outside running around Diana outside waiting for the bus to come and take Taylor to the Autism therapy group a family friend started) Your bus is coming Taylor come here so we can put your bookbag on. (Diana said and Taylor stopped and ran over to her putting his bookbag and started heading down the driveway as the bus stopped at the end and opened, Taylor got on and left, then Diana and Zac headed back inside the house and Zac went to play video games while Diana went to clean up the kitchen)

:on the bus:

Morning Taylor! (Chloe said as she sat down next to him) Hi Chloe!! Nice to see you!! (Taylor said smiling at her as she smiled back) Nice to see you too. I am glad we get to go together. (Chloe exclaimed as Taylor nodded in agreement and they sat back looking out the window and talking with each other the whole ride to the center once they got there they met up with Tommy and Jeremiah who were trying to fix their shoes in the hallway) Morning Guys! (Taylor exclaimed and the boys stood up and smiled at Chloe and Taylor) Good morning Taylor and Chloe!! (Jeremiah said as grabbed his bookbag off the floor and put it back on with help from Taylor then they all walked down to the therapy room) Good morning everyone it's so good to see you all go ahead and put your things away, and settle in and in a few minutes we'll start. (The teacher said as everyone put their things away and took their seats Taylor, Chloe and Jeremiah sat together) This is sorta like being at school except not being at school. (Jeremiah said putting his toy car on the table and playing with it) Alright good morning everyone welcome to Therapy group this is pretty much therapy mixed with some similarities of a special education class at school but for homeschool students. I am very happy to have a lot of students a few more than last year. So let's start with getting to know each other and then we'll get started with other things. (The teacher said as some kids started chatting with each other and others just did other things. Taylor, Chloe, and Jeremiah started joking about how everyone already knew each other and were just chatting about the summer and random things) So this summer my family went to Oklahoma City and we saw some cool stuff there. (Jeremiah said to Taylor and Chloe) I've been there yeah it is cool. This summer me and my brothers performed some shows here and in a couple other cities. We even played at Chloe's party. (Taylor exclaimed as some other kids joined the trio at their table) Yeah I saw you guys in Broken Arrow you were amazing! (Ash exclaimed and Taylor smiled thanking him and everyone started complimenting Taylor on the music stuff even some who had seen him and his brothers at the auditions for Mayfest. The teacher looked up and smiled at the interactions but had everyone sit back down and started with the day doing some math and reading and then continued on doing other things even doing a 30 minute resting period and at the end of the day everyone left for home)

:At the Hanson home:

(Diana was sitting outside waiting for Taylor's bus while all the other kids played in the yard. The bus pulled up to the driveway and Diana walked down and got Taylor taking his bookbag and stuff and he ran to play with everyone. She smiled and took his stuff inside putting it away and making a snack for the kids and setting it on the table outside along with some drinks) Here guys snack and drinks come eat. (Taylor quickly got up and to the table sitting down followed by the other kids who took their seats and grabbed some snack and a drink and eating while joking with each other and talking about their day. Taylor told Isaac and Zac about all the compliments they got on their music while he was at therapy group, they smiled at the fact that they were getting so many new fans and Jessica and Avery just giggled and smiled)

:4 days later:

(Diana and Taylor were on the way to the ER for gastro appt. Doctors wanted to get an update on how everything was going with his Acid Reflux and newly discovered Anemia and hypoproteinemia. Diana had been directed to try some kids protein drinks to see if they'd help at all which they have a bit but not a lot.)
Alright we're here let's go buddy. (Diana said parking and getting out opening the door for Taylor and he hopped out and they started heading for the door, Taylor just ran ahead and jumped around as Diana just laughed at her goofball. They went in and checked then took their seats in the waiting room) Alright Taylor Hanson we'll see ya now. (The nurse said as Taylor and Diana got up and the headed into a private checkup room and Taylor sat on the hospital bed and layed back against the pillows. The doctor did a CBC test and ordered for a chest x-ray to check his breathing and an esophageal PH test for the reflux. The nurses set up the catheter with a little help from Diana keeping Taylor calm and then headed out leaving them deciding that for the test and everything they wanted to keep Taylor at the children's hospital so put in a slip to have him transported to a room in the meantime Taylor fell asleep in the bed and they moved him and Diana to another room and Diana contacted Walker about getting Taylor some things from home and then he would need to leave early for home so the babysitter could go home then she hung up and sat back on the couch and watched for a few moments as Taylor slept and then layed back and fell asleep herself)

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