Chapter 2

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() pointed at a group of people. "Here is the City Hall you see that with a bunch-" "Why's there so many people? There should only be 15 at most..." [] walked to the opposite side of where the people were located, got some keys from her back pocket, opened a door.. "Please if you aren't the 15 who earned the privilege to participate in this tournament. Move away. Once again please move away." She said with a polite, but firm voice in the mic. People quickly left and we were able to see a man sighing in relief. Once [] walked to the stand, placing the mic on top of the stand. A man greeted her. "Oh []! Thank goodness you came!" "Hello Mr. Lawrence, life sure is hard on you, eh?" she raised an eyebrow. "Once you get used to it you'll learn to deal with it, sometimes" he whispered the last part, but it was just loud enough for the rest of us to hear. He quickly cleared his throat. "This is...?" he asked, looking at me. A smile grew on my face and introduced myself "Jin Hayst! I'm a Young Knight!" I said proudly. "Are you? Then I see no reason to participate in this tournament." [] said looking at me in surprise and confusion."I know, but I need experience! Plus being pronounced in an all Kingdom Tournament means much more!" I was already excited! 'I wonder who else is participating!' [] just shrugged "I guess. Mr. Lawrence, did everyone take their tag?" Mr. Lawrence shook his head in denial "No-"

"Jin Hyung!!" I turned around because of a familiar voice. And of course I knew who it was. "Robin! Mihael! You guys are participating too!?" They walk right up to me and the stand."Well to be exact Hyung is..." he said with clear disappointment "It's fine, you still look young, you have many chances. Maybe you'll be able to participate next year." [] said and Robin's eyes widened with sparks of happiness. "Really? You think so?" "Of course if your brother's such a great Monkarter and you've been following him since you were younger you learn skills without really realizing it. Plus you must have had some experience right? Don't worry about it, you'll be a Monkarter as great as your Hyung." [] said, patting Robin's head while Robin was tearing up. "Thank you!" He hugged her. In the beginning she was uncomfortable, but she let him be.

"I have two tags left now." Mr. Lawrence said already tired when he knew his day wouldn't end quickly nor easily. "I'm sorry for coming late sir. I'm Louis De Broglie the 13th." Louis slightly bowed. 'He's here too!?' "No, it's okay. Here is your tag." Louis thanked Mr. Lawrence, and took his tag. "Louis, are you participating too?" I ask dragging Mihael with me.

"Who is the last one?" I asked Mr. Lawrence. He picked up the tag and read his name out loud "Vettel-""Baskerville. I am Vettel Baskerville." a black haired boy walked towards the stand.taking his tag. "Okay that's it right?" I asked Mr. Lawrence again just in case."Mhm" he nodded in confirmation. I pick up the mic and turn it on. "For every participant who is here and tooken their tag, or should I say ticket to participate, we will show you the board." It was blank. People started whispering to themselves "What?!" "What is this supposed to mean!?" When people were panicking a bit too much I spoke once again."Calm down. Don't you think there is a reason why this tournament is taking 3 months? When there's only 16 people?" I ask, raising my eyebrow."She's got a point." Louis said, placing his finger on his chin thinking. I continued "How disappointing is it when you lose in the first round? The Lucifer Kingdom decided to have a camp. 16 participants, 3 adults, friends and siblings if wanted. Some of the people got accepted even when they've recently started Monkarting compared to the others. Experience a large role when it comes to Monkarting.You guys will be trained and will race during the 3 months then you will race each other." "What?!" most of the people yelled, not expecting that answer. "It was you who accepted. If you want to become a Knight or become the best. Deal with it. If you don't want the process. I'll take away your privilege. Anyone who objects?" I ask with a straight face with a fake smile and absolutely no one dared to speak. "Good to know tomorrow we will be going to Lucifenia, a small abandoned island. We will be living there temporarily before the tournament. Please gather all your stuff before then." I smile for the last time turning off my mic. Returning it in place and locking the door.
I was walking to where the people's Monster should be until, "[]!" I stopped but I didn't look at him."Yes?" "Who is the 16th participant?" Jin came to face me. "That will not be announced before the tournament starts." I say looking at him dead in the eye. "Are you coming with us?" he asked. "Yes. I am the only one who knows the plan, and rules." I start walking again "Really?!" he runs up to me "Yes. Jin?" I stopped again and turned around to face him this time. Yeah?" "You, Mihael, Vettel, and Louis, all of you are from Carmon Kingdom right?" I ask again, looking at him dead in the eye. "Yeah! How'd you know?" "I read the news that it was quite news when Apollon came back and teenage Monkarters beat them." I say recalling when it was such big news. "Really?"

"Of course. Why do you think ¼ of the participants were invited from there?" His eyes widened "You were the one who sent us the letters?" I shook my head."Not exactly it was ().She has more knowledge than me when it comes to people." "Are there anyone who declined this" Jin asked looking at the buildings in the Kingdom."No well some adults disagreed, in the beginning it was just the participants and me going. They said it was too dangerous so we changed it." "Still sounds dangerous to me.." Jin shivered, scared of the thought. "Don't worry I've lived in the wild for quite some time. I know more than the basics." He turned to face me. "Really!? That's so cool!" he screamed in my ears as my left eye twitched in annoyance. "Um.. yeah..." "Where are you going?" Jin asked now, and he's been with me for how long? "To the Monsters they'll need to be ready for tomorrow as well." Once he heard this he was all energized again. "Can I come too!?" I couldn't tell if it was a statement or a question. "No, not today. You should rest" "But-" "Or I'll force you to rest tomorrow when everyone else is training." I face him showing him my fake smile. Jin shivered, nodding quickly. "Okay fine! But tell Draka I said hi!" He said smiling. "I will" He jogged back to the City Hall and I kept walking until I saw a big, white and gray house.

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