14. Lina's Bold Move

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This is chapter 14 on February 14th! Two times fourteen makes it double special! So, I decided to spoil my girls, who love to read this story! Happy Valentine's Day!

Follow me if you're already invested in this story because I'll keep writing similar stories in the future, and you might miss out.

Follow me if you're already invested in this story because I'll keep writing similar stories in the future, and you might miss out

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Dongfang Qingcang leaned forward, his sharp eyes fixed on Lina as she recounted the details of her attack. "So, you were attacked," he said, repeating her words slowly, "and then you passed out from exhaustion before you saw the portal in your room." He wanted to be sure that he had understood everything correctly.

Lina slowly nodded her head in agreement. "Mhm. Correct," she said, her voice delicate.

Qingcang furrowed his brow, his mind racing with questions. "Who could have done this to you?" he asked, his voice low and menacing.

Lina shook her head, her long dark hair falling in a straight waterfall around her face. "I don't know," she said.

Qingcang studied her momentarily, trying to gauge her level of sincerity. "You didn't go through with ending your—" he began to ask, but Lina cut him off.

"No! I didn't do it," Lina exclaimed, her eyes widening in horror. "I'm usually cheerful, so I have no idea why I suddenly wanted to do that."

Qingcang felt a sense of relief wash over him. 'So, she isn't that stupid. Good. But I have to keep my eye on her. Just in case,' he thought to himself.

Lina's adorable voice interrupted Qingcang's thoughts, catching his attention. "Oh yes, one thing," she said, her tone hesitant. "I'm tired, and I want to sleep. Where will you sleep?"

Qingcang crossed his arms over his chest and cocked an eyebrow, his expression stern. "Should I repeat myself?" he asked, his voice cold and intolerant.

As Lina looked at him, she remembered all the times that Qingcang had told her that she belonged to him, that she had to sleep in the same room as him, and that she was not allowed to leave his sight. The memories flooded her mind, and she let out a loud screech, causing him to furrow his brows in annoyance.

"What?" Qingcang asked, irritated by Lina's outburst.

Lina looked away from Qingcang, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She could not believe that he was so witless. "I'm not going to share a bed with you, let alone live with you!" she objected.

Qingcang towered over Lina, his eyes burning with an intensity that made her heart race. She could feel the heat emanating from his body, his presence so overpowering that it made her feel small and insignificant. "Why?" he demanded, his tone fierce and commanding. She could see the muscles in his jaw clench as he spoke. "Do you want the dark beings to kill you while I'm not around? Let me remind you why you're still alive," he added, his voice low and dangerous.

Lina tried to speak, but her words came out as a stutter. "Yes, I know. B-but..." she faltered.

"But what?" Qingcang demanded, his eyes narrowing as he looked down at her. He wanted to know why Lina objected to sharing the bed with him.

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