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After the tiny little heartbreak, I just experienced after Minho's words, I went up to my room and took a quick shower. I felt dirty, to say the least. I took the longest possible shower before I got out and changed my clothes into just some pajama pants and a crop top. I then plopped onto my bed and curled into a little ball, cuddling my blanket.

I felt tears coming to my eyes as I quickly closed them to prevent them. No one tells you about this part of losing someone. The ups and downs, the forcing yourself not to think of it by doing things you normally wouldn't do.  Am I distracting myself from it with Leeknow? Maybe that's why I was upset with him being blunt, it sort of brought me back down to earth. I tried to take a deep breath to calm myself down though my attempt didn't help one bit and I started to basically ball my eyes out. 

I felt tired and exhausted. I didn't feel as though I'd had any good days in the past couple of years even if it was just the heat of the moment, I cried about it. I hugged my blanket and covered my face with my pillows. I wanted to be quiet so Minho wouldn't hear.

That's when my phone started to ring. I sat up and quickly wiped my tears, looking at the caller ID to see it was Yeji. I picked up my phone after taking a couple of seconds to calm down. "Hey!" Yeji chimed in from the phone. "Hi.." I told her and forced myself to smile, to just at least sound like I was happier. "I'm bringing everyone donuts from work, can you tell Lee that too? I got his favorite." She giggled through the phone. "Yeah, I can," I replied to her. "He literally goes crazy over them." She told me. I chuckled a little at that.

I wouldn't doubt it, the donuts are always good at work. "I'm not surprised," I answered her as I got up and looked in the mirror. I started to fix myself, wiping my face and fanning my eyes to stop them from being so red. "Well, I'm gonna go so I can drive, see ya soon!" She said through the phone, "Okay, drive safe." I told her before we hung up.

I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair, the last thing I wanted to do right now was to face him but I told Yeji I would so. Once my face was less flushed than before, I walked out of the room. I looked down at all of the doors and walked over to his, just staring at it for a second before placing a couple of knocks on it.

I waited a couple of seconds before he opened the door, pulling one side of his headphones behind his ear since he was wearing a headset. Probably gaming. He also was noticeably not wearing a shirt. He had beautiful soft abs and a small scar near the bottom of his stomach, possibly a surgery from the past.

"Yeji wanted me to tell you that she's bringing donuts," I told him blandly. He nodded his head with a clueless look before I started to walk away. I didn't want to stay in the conversation any longer than I had to. As I was starting to walk to the couch to wait for her, he called out behind me. "Y/n," he called out before I had totally walked away.

"Hm?" I asked as I turned around to face him, trying to not show much interest. "I didn't mean to sound harsh earlier, it wasn't my intention." He told me as he scratched behind his neck. I looked up at him and shrugged, "were you? I couldn't tell." I answered him a little sarcastically before walking away into the living room.

I heard his bedroom door close so I figured he went back into his room. I sighed and leaned my head back while I closed my eyes. I felt my lips quiver a little so I let out a much-needed sigh.  That didn't go so well. I apparently can't take an apology. 

"Is Yeji bringing the blueberry ones?" I heard from behind me. I quickly opened my eyes and looked back at him as he walked up to me and sat beside me. I was surprised since I thought he had gone into his room though I answered him nonetheless after composing myself. "Is that your favorite?" I asked him with a sigh as I looked over at the door. "Yes, do you like them?" He asked as he leaned closer to me. I could feel his breath on my neck. "Then she did and they're alright," I answered which was a complete lie, I absolutely love them. I eat them all of the time at work. I wouldn't let him know that though. 

My Friend// Leeknow ffWhere stories live. Discover now