chapter 11:attach

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When the two siblings (mitsuri and giyu) decided to let two little kids under their wing, Mitsuri thought it might be great for her and mostly Giyu but..... about a week later Giyu became way too attach to them. By attach, meaning they he goes everywhere with them and even got a little over protective of them almost a level away from the protection level of Mitsuri. 

He been giving death glares to whoever looks at them funny, the most damage he can do is slap the person who hurts them, that'll send them flying.

No one is allow to see them except for Mitsuri, Gyeomi and Muichiro. Everyone else is not allow.

And this made Mitsuri get out the big guns.

On a day like no other, Giyu was feeding his kids breakfast like he did for Mitsuri. Then he heard,

Uzui:oi Giyu~ I think Suma wants to see you again!

Giyu:hiiss! No! I know it's a trick you over price Beach!

Even tho he's an adult, Giyu would never swear in front of his kids.

Tanjiro:Dad- Giyu, I think he'll be nice

Giyu:no! He's inappropriate and yet he'll influence you so no. The only thing good about him is his fighting skills

Uzui:aww man



Giyu:maybe but not right, tanjiro is trying to work and I keep telling him to not work! You don't to work!

Tanjiro:but I want to help us and get money so we can buy food!

Giyu:the demon slayer corps money is enough! So no!

Tanjiro:but what if I go out to the market

Guyu:only when Mitsuri or I'm with you! So no!

Tanjiro: 3':>

Giyu:don't give me that face!

Tanjiro:why won't you let us go!

Giyu:cause I'm your guardian and yet I don't want the same thing happened to you or nezuko!

Nezuko:can I at least visit the butterfly mansion

Giyu:do you want to go to the butterfly mansion?


Giyu:*sighs* fine, but I'll drop you off

Tanjiro:can I come too!?

Giyu:....fine just don't get Shinobu's behavior

Renguko:may I tag along with you?


Tanjiro, Nezuko and Renguko:hurray!

Giyu:why they do this to me

Later at the butterfly mansion

The real reason why Nezuko wanted to go the butterfly mansion why this:

Nezuko:kanao look I made for you

Kanao:aww Nezuko I love it


Aoi:is there any for me?

Nezuko:hehe, of course! I'll never forget you.

Nezuko handed Aoi a handmade hair ornament.

Aoi:I love it!

Aoi process to give Nezuko a kiss on the cheek and so did Kanao.

Giyu in the background:
Shinobu get your sister off my child!!!

Giyu was being hold by Renguko, and hissing.

Shinobu:mmmm.... no.

Giyu:you dic-

Renguko:let's go see what tanjiro doing!

The two went to see Tanjiro and saw this,

Zenitsu:aah-! Tanjiro your so sweet

Tanjiro:heh, thanks zenitsu!

Inosuke:argh! Quit hogging him sunflower seed!!

Zenitsu:eh? If anything your hogging him!!!

Inosuke:fight me!

Tanjiro:guys guys no need to fight

Giyu in the background again:
*inhales* I'm gonna kill some people now.

Renguko:hahaheheh. Let's go see my family!

Giyu:stop dragging me you owl

Renguko:can I call you raven?

Giyu:I- ..... actually yeah you can.


Renguko then ran off with Giyu

End of chapter

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