51) Dinner

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"Oh! Daiyu!
How quickly you have secured your rank!" Tai Lee gushes over me. A few other girls joined me in the hòugōng, fantasizing about my dinner with the emperor.

"Even Gennji did not have dinners with the emperor" Tai Lee smiles, expressing her sentiments rather loudly.

"His brother was the one who invited me" I correct her.

"His brother invited you!? A prince and an empreror is after your heart!" Tai Lee gushes, even louder this time.

Gennji looks at me from the corner of her eye, throwing an icy glare. I don't know why she hated me so much. Maybe it was because of jealously?

I knew I couldn't join the emperor at the dinner.
Going there would let Sayoran win and I couldn't allow that.

I knew I would be lambasted, maybe even punished, but I knew what I had to do.

"Daiyu" a guard bows to escort me to the dinner. I turn over to Gennji as she watches me.
"I want to send her" I announced, grabbing Gennji's palm into my own.

"Dress her. Quick" I tell me handmaidens. They nod and lead her away.

"Daiyu! Do you know what you've done!! Disobedience to the emperor is punishable but to the prince is..." her words halter. I was thankful she was so fearful for my well-being but she truly had nothing to worry about.

"Tai Lee. Please, I know what I am doing. Do not fret" I assure her. She nods, taking my words to heart.



I had been looking forward to a quiet and intimate dinner with the girl named Daiyu. I had spent the whole day retracing her features in my mind and I was looking forward to discovering more about her.

But as soon as the door to the room opened, I knew that my plans had been ruined. My heart sank as I saw my uninvited dinner guest sauntering in.

"Prince. Emperor." The girl with black hair bows to the floor.
Her features were soft. Her hair combed neatly. Her makeup packed and blended.
She was beautiful but she didn't hold a flame to the woman named Daiyu.

"Where's the woman named Daiyu," I said, trying to sound polite.

"Daiyu sent me in place of her as she fell ill. She begged me to come and I felt pity for her and sacrificed my quiet evening to attend. I hope that is pleasing to you emperor and prince" She bows again.

Xiang barely acknowledged the woman, choosing to cut into his food.

"I invited Daiyu but sent you instead" I mumbled, realizing my night. I knew Xiang was happy with the outcome. He didn't want his precious Daiyu attending for her knew I would steal her heart.

The girl whose name I learned was Genji launched into a long story about her recent activités in the hòugōng. I tried to listen politely, but my mind kept wandering to the woman I met before.

I couldn't help but feel annoyed that my evening with Daiyu had been ruined by this uninvited dinner guest.After what felt like an eternity, Genji finally finished her story.

"The emperor used to call me daily. I used to be his favorite" she continues her tirade.

"Haven't you been warned to only talk when spoken too? It is very unbecoming"

Her eyes darted over to mine then Xiangs before politely stuffing her face with some fresh dumplings.

I push away from the table, and storm out the room. How content Xiang was that his Daiyu had followed his plan. The smug look in his face irked my soul.

Xiang thought he had won the battle, but little did he know that I was soon to start the war.

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