1.) Let's Play A Game

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We all had plot bunnies that just hump the shit out of our heads, well this has been bothering me for a while. This hasn't happened since I started with Naruto Frontier, so I have a good feeling about this story. Now for a few disclaimers, this story will have small, very tiny elements of DBZ, Digimon (mostly season four of course) and ATLA (Avatar the Last Airbender). This story will have steamy and gory scenes all over and no I won't be putting up other warnings beside this one.

I don't know what accounts for bashing exactly so think what you will but I won't be openly making a character suck just because I don't like them...I'll just make Naruto kick their ass.

Last thing, Naruto won't be Godlike/Immortal/Fuck shit up just because BUT he will be touching that limit. So with that over with, I present the story



"Demon talking"

'Demon thinking'



Let's Play a Game

"We need him."

It was like that plain and simple. They needed his help, something that no one would've expected. Well except for Senju Tsunade, she always knew the village would need him no matter how much they hated him.

"I'm sorry Tsunade-sama but you've seen the reports. He hasn't been seen for four years. It like he vanished off the earth." Her apprentice and assistant Kato Shizune said with sadness clear in her voice. The pig in her arm, Ton-Ton, oinked sadly at her master's and caretaker's distress.

"Is it wise Shizune?" Tsunade had her head in her hands as she sighed sadly and tiredly. "It is wise to keep believing he'll come back?" The office was quiet as Shizune looked over at the setting sun, casting the village in a light orange glow.

"Of course it is shishou. That's all we have to keep doing." Shizune said strongly and Tsunade sighed again as she got up from her chair to gaze at the village below.

"They don't realize how much they needed him. How much he was the heart of Konoha." She then turned her gaze to forest and land in the distance. "Where are you…"


"NARUTO!" A large and extremely muscular man barged into a room being shadowed by the curtains that blocked out the sun's annoying rays.

"Oi! Do you have to scream so loudly." A lazy voice called beneath the mass of two naked women.

"Well I wouldn't have to be loud if your ass knew how to wake up on time. Now get the fuck up!" The man crossed his arms as the women moaned in protest of their warm pillow slowly getting up from their almost destroyed bed. "And I swear to Kami if you break another bed, that's coming out of your paycheck." With that said he left slamming the door behind him.

The naked man, known as Naruto, rolled his eyes as he stretched his shift back. "That bastard really needs to get laid." He mumbled before putting on a pair of underwear and pants. He turned back around and gave the two women a foxy grin. "Well sorry to cut out time short ladies, but duty calls." He gave them a lazy salute and proceeded to walk out of the room.

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