Chapter Eight

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Weems immediately approached Wednesday, a smile adorning her face. She looked like the cat who got the cream, and Wednesday didn't like that expression. It was time to face the music.

"Hello Wednesday."

"Hello Principal Weems." Wednesday made her face as blank as possible, not giving anything away. Weems must've known Tyler and she would compare stories, but Wednesday wanted to act like they hadn't, so Weems wouldn't suspect that the two of them had something to hide.

"It's good to see you fitting in." Now that statement was more than questionable. Sure, Wednesday had started to grow a small group of friends, but fitting in was far from what she was doing. Leave it to Weems to have such a surface-level view of Wednesday. "Just like your mother." Wednesday froze. How dare she compare Wednesday to her mother? They were nothing alike, not even remotely. Wednesday's face twisted into a slight scowl.

"My mother and I are two entirely different people/species/everything." Morticia had been the golden girl of Nevermore, and Wednesday was anything but. Everyone acted like the sun shone out of Morticia's mouth with every perfect, poised word the woman said. Wednesday was tired of being compared to her; the two of them weren't similar in any way and to say so was an insult.

The principal gave her a thoughtful look. "The last time Ophelia won the Poe Cup your mother captained the team." So what? Wednesday wasn't even captain of the black cats, and she hadn't been planning on participating in the first place. That was a pointless observation. "I was her co-pilot." That explained the subtle hint of jealousy in Weems' voice whenever her mother was brought up. Always in second place. Wednesday could almost relate. "Maybe the two of you are more alike than you think." Yeah, not a chance.

Wednesday turned around, watching Enid squeal excitedly as she told a now infirmary-free Yoko all about their victory. A bizarre warmth filled her, and this time it wasn't from Tyler. Nevermore had a nasty habit of making Wednesday attached to others. It was uncomfortable and unwelcome, yet Wednesday couldn't feel too vexed by it. Weird.

"Regardless, I have some things to discuss with you about last night. Shall we go up to my office?" Weems waved her forward with an elegant hand, and Wednesday left the pentagon to follow the woman up to her office.

It was just as dark and gloomy as ever, but this time the fireplace was lit up with a crackling fire. Wednesday took a seat, crossing her legs at the ankle. Weems sat behind her desk and straightened up, trying to subconsciously make herself in charge of the conversation. Wednesday schooled her face into perfect apathy. Weems wouldn't worm anything out of her that Wednesday didn't want her to know.

"So, you, Tyler, and the sheriff had a conversation after your," Weems cleared her throat, clearly still vexed, "Incident with the other patrons at the Weathervane. What was that about?" Weems opened a journal and grabbed a pen, most likely preparing to compare whatever Wednesday said with the account Tyler had given.

"He was upset that Tyler had befriended me. Tyler told him that we were dating. His father didn't like that, and they got into an argument. I left the cafe to comfort him, and then we went to the festival."

"And why is it that he disapproved?" Weems' eyes were narrowed, trying to catch Wednesday in an inconsistency.

"Because I'm an Addams, and because Tyler and I are bonded." Wednesday said plainly. Weems' eyes lit up, pleased that Wednesday had opened up the avenue for Weems to question her about the nature of the bond.

"Tyler mentioned this bond earlier when I brought him in. Apparently it helps him control the hyde, and the two of you were destined for it? Tell me about the specifics, please." Wednesday sighed. Tedious.

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