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"We should leave guys" Octavia says, knowing they had been at the fence for too long. Clarke nods and Bellamy gets to his feet slowly. They start moving into the forest, watching the dense trees around them intently. "How are we gonna find Emerson? The forest is huge, Octavia" Bellamy says as they walk. "When we left, well... were taken from our camp, we left all our supplies and weapons in the drop ship" Octavia says, excitement in her voice. As if on cue, they arrive at the blackened remains of their camp. Octavia and Lincoln head around the outside of the drop ship whilst Bellamy and Clarke creep inside. Bellamy glances behind him and stops when he sees Clarke's wide, guilty eyes. He mentally kicks himself for not realising. "Clarke, you don't have to be in here" he whispers. She nods but stays by his side as they head deeper into the drop ship. Clarke reaches up to pull herself up the ladder but is stopped by Bellamy in the way. "Are you crazy?! You're not going up first!" he hisses, grabbing hold of the rungs. Clarke rolls her eyes.
The burns left his arms feeling stiff, but he ignores that as he reaches the top. Bellamy looks down at Clarke. "Thus is where we stop being quiet" he whispers. Clarke nods again. Bellamy unstraps his gun and whacks it against the cover stopping them get onto the second floor. The crashes echo around, but with a final slam, the cover springs open and Bellamy scrambles up, followed closely by Clarke. Bellamy points his gun at a... no, at several figures in the shadows of the room. Clarke steps forwards slightly. "Lexa?!"
Sorry this is so short, but I wanted to leave it on that cliffhanger!!! I know, my updating is crap, but it's the holidays soon, so I will have a long car journey to update chapters on, and a realllly looong plane journey to update a MASSIVE CHAPTER!!!
Have an awesome week, and thank you for reading!!!
JustDrum xoxo

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