A break

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This seems like a surprise to all of my readers but... I'm taking a break.

The reason for this is that there has been an incident of HUGE PROPORTION at a certain military academy near where I live that basically ruined my mood and view of the military in general. I physically and mentally cannot tell you all the details of this incident, but I can give you something so that you guys can imagine.

Night, 2 female students, 12 soldiers, something happened, both jumped -> 1 gone, 1 paralyzed.

It has been 1 or 2 hours since it happened and I gathered enough willpower to make this announcement. Damn, my hands are still shaking...

Since all 3 stories that I'm working on are military-themed, when I look just at the title, my mind immediately flashed back to THAT.

I know it has been a very long time since I updated my other two works beside the new one but please, I beg all of you, give me some time to sort myself out.

I just can't right now...

Once again,


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2023 ⏰

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