Chapter - 1

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WARNING!! There will be cursing and mentions of sex but will have no sex in the book.

Bold is dreams or nightmare

Italics is thought with the ' '

Y/n was a 16-year-old high schooler and needed to get away from their family, but they have a good relationship, and they needed to get away from the chaos of their siblings. Y/n was the oldest and was adopted by their mom, their mom was told that she could not have children, so they adopted y/n. Their mom tried for a baby and had gotten twins then another child after the set of twins.


I needed to get out of the house, I was going to go crazy if I didn't leave for a bit, on the plus side my parents will be home soon. I got dressed, put my shoes on, and walked towards the door to grab my jacket. My sisters came up to me.

"Where are you going? I want to know! Tell me!" both Mia and Esther whined.

"I am going to the library to get some books, don't touch the stove or the microwave when I am gone ok?" I tell them.

"We won't, We haven't before and we won't today," the twins both say in unison.

"Alright, Mom and Dad are almost home and they know I will be gone," I state.

I put my jacket on, grabbed my wallet and keys. Then headed out the door to go to the library to check out what books they had. It took me about 10 minutes to get to the Library, walking to the back of the library I saw one of my teachers. Making sure they didn't see me because seeing your teacher outside of school was fucking weird. You managed to get to the back of the library without being spotted by your teacher but you did see him look back at you....That did not matter, you were looking for books that should not be there or without being in the system or without a decimal number. I look through the books picking one named A Boy Without A Life and another called Recipes For Elves then I come across a book with no title. The covers on the book were burnt, the pages were crisp, and on the inside of the book had a mysterious language.

'I guess I'll take this book too, it giving me a strange feeling...' I thought to myself.

I looked at a few other books named, "Black Majic" vadovas and How To Disappear Completely And Never Be Found. I took the book without a title and the book about disappearing but I had found it weird that these types of books were back here. I was going to look around to see if my teacher was around but as soon as I turned around he was behind me, which I found weird because he is your teacher and he should not get to close to his students. He looked at the books in your hand and nodded in approval, looking into his eyes I seen a red glimmer in his eyes. I back up and turn away to pretend to look at the books but as soon as I turn around again he was gone, nowhere to be seen.

'Where did he go? I need to look for more books now....' I questioned to myself.

I look around some more to find another book in the same state as the book with no title but this time it has a title but is in a different language? I wasn't for sure but you did know that things were getting too weird for your liking, its not like there is a loose cannibalistic murderer around. I have read fan fictions about this person named Bob Velseb where he has either kidnapped the character and kept them or just break into their house but you knew that it was fake and it really would not happen which made you sad. You didn't know what Bob looked like without his costume on but it didn't matter because he was not real. I head up to the counter in the library to "check" the books out.

"Hi Hun, where did you get these books?" the Librarian asked.

"I got these from the back, I noticed that it was dark in the back and saw some books, I wanted to check them out," I utter.

"You can take them, no fee, we were going to throw them out. They have not been checked out once, and you are regular customer so its on us," the Librarian spoke softly.

"Thank you!" I murmured. I gathered the books to a comfortable holding position and checked the time....5:30......Shit! I need to go home. I walked home seeing my parents car in front of the house with another car with the bundle, walking into the house with nobody in sight. My parents, siblings, and the mystery person was in the kitchen talking. Eavesdropping on the conversation I heard my parents talking about me and my passion for books, finally hearing the mystery person I noticed it was my teacher that ran into me at the library. Starting up the stairs my parents heard the stairs creak, causing me to flinch because, well, who wants to talk to their teacher after school in your house!

"Y/n! Come here into the kitchen, we were just talking about you!" My mom says proudly. I sighed, walking to the coffee table to set my books down, then walking to the kitchen. Sitting down on one of the dinning room chairs.

"Y/n your mythology teacher is here, he saw you while you were getting your books like normal" she chuckled.

"Hello Y/n, it's good to see that you read on your free time. I do recommend that you do get some mythology books for your studies next week." He said with caution.

"Thank's but I like reading my genera type Mr. Oni, but I'll think about it" I spoke quietly. Getting out from the chair you head to the coffee table, grabbed your books, and went to your room. My parents can get mad at me later but I do not want to talk to him, I know when to trust him or not and this is the time to not trust him. He stared at me the whole time with the same red glimmer in his eyes. Was it because of the book that's in the mysterious language, no it can't be, it's just a book right? I opened my door to my room then got the ladder down, yes I live in the attic but I don't mind, I have learnt a lot of thing's from my past family and why I was up for adoption. My past parents got killed by somebody but they don't know who, they covered their tracks well and they are still on the hunt for the guy but I didn't want to think about it felt like my sins were crawling on my back. I opened the book with no title and took a closer look to the lettering and the language. It was Latin, the language known to summon demons or even Satan himself. I looked around my room to find a box with all of my other satanic shit that I don't need because, fuck that, closed the box and went to my bed to watch TV. I drifted off to sleep while hearing my parents call my name.

"Y/n.......Y/n?........Y/N!" they yelled. I fell asleep, I didn't eat, and I needed to.

I was on my bed under my blankets, 'I wasn't under my blanket though?' I got up from my bed to only hear glass breaking down stairs, I hid in my closet in my room hearing nothing but the ringing in my ears and silence.


The attic hatch was being opened, you start to panic but to only cover your mouth in the end so the intruder can't hear you having a panic attack, only in the worst place possible, you hear the heavy footsteps come closer then to only head to your bed, I'm only assuming. I hear him grunt in a way that seem like he was mad, then the footsteps came closer to the closet only to hear a knife being sharpened. You sit still as the best as you can, moving back every inch to not make sound, he opens the closet. You see a big heavy man with a dark red turtle neck sweater on with demon horns and a red face. Also a terrifying grin, but I knew who this was, this was Bob Velseb. He grabbed my wrist and pulls me out of the closet pushing the point of a knife to my chest. Waiting for the pain that should have coursed right through my body but it doesn't, like dude kill me already. He sets me to the floor and bends down to my height, rude. His head inching closer to my neck and before I realized what was going on, he bit my neck. The bite hurt then he came closer to my lips until....

Waking up to the sun over head in the morning was painful to look at because it was too bright. I tried to think about the dream/nightmare but I couldn't, that's weird, usually I can remember my dreams and nightmares. You looked in your mirror to make sure that the dream/nightmare wasn't real because you remember the part where he bit you. It wasn't, thank god for that, but you head over to the satanic box and opened it....The book is gone.... Where did it go? You had it in the box, 'did you put the box away?' I got dressed then hurried down the ladder and stairs to the living room. Your parents looked at you worried, making you confused. Could they read Latin?

Did they read the book....

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