Chapter - 3

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RECAP - He must have stabbed his knife into the door where we all were hiding, breaking the doorknob, he had opened the door to the closet. Then that's when I remembered the dream about this guy, it is Bob Velseb.

What was he going to do?....


You were concerned, to the point where you got shaking badly. You hugged yourself then you feel someone else hug you, it was Kieran. I heard a gunshot, then Bob fell backward from the gunshots. Everybody was screaming when more gunshots went off at Bob, flinching each time. The police took Bob's body and the whole school went home, my mom picked me up from the school when the parents were told it was safe for them to leave. My mom did not talk to me at all, when we got home I headed up to my room frustrated. I took out my book and started translating, writing it down, my stomach growls. Right, I didn't eat last night and I have not eaten all day. Sighing, I set my book down and head downstairs to go get food. I couldn't find anything so I left the house with my wallet and keys and I went to the gas station. There was nothing in the gas station that was good so I went to the grocery store to go find some decent food. Once I was done buying my food I head to the park to go eat and to enjoy the weather and scenery. I was enjoying my food when I felt a hand on my back. they had sat next to me, it was Kieran asking me if I did my homework. 

"Hi Kieran, no I have not done the mythology homework," I replied.

"Oh ok, I have done it, I was just wondering if we would have the same answers. I hate the class and I think I'm going to fail class," Kieran stated. Mythology was a hard class and was a class where you got two credits because of the teacher, he made things much more difficult than they should be for mythology.

"I haven't done the homework because I am busy," I said. " I have to research this book," I muttered. He must have heard me when I said that I was researching a book.

"What book are you reading that needs research?" Kieran states. I had to lie, I didn't need Kieran to know about the book. I started fiddling with the necklace that I found in the box with the Latin note.

"Where did you get that necklace? It looks good on you!" Kieran admitted.

"I-uh-got it from a box that-uh-had a Latin note with it. I don't know what it says, but I'm trying to learn Latin," I stuttered. I was very flustered and red from what he said to me.

"Oh, I can speak Latin, I can look at the note and tell you what it says," Kieran stated. 

"I can't let boys over at my house until my parents meet you, plus my parents are mad at me right now," I mumbled. Kieran huffed and I looked away. I decided it was time to leave so I can get back to my book. Before I go back to my house I go to the cafe to order some coffee. I sat down at a booth and the same man from the last time sat in front of me, staring at me. It was creepy but I notice he had new scars.

"Hi, what's your name? I didn't get it the last time you were here," I questioned.

He hesitates, " That doesn't matter, what's yours?" He asks.

'This is not ok', 'Maybe he likes you~ Maybe he WANTS you~' I am disgusted with myself, bruh why is ??? like that??' I look at him, " I'm Y/N, why don't you want to tell me your name? That's sketchy." I said.

He looks at me with a sinful look in his eye. " I just want to know you before you know the true me~," He says with a cocky tone. I get up and walk away, him staring at me while I leave. I get to the house and my parents are sitting on the couch. I walked up to my bedroom to continue working with the book. 

My parents were calling me downstairs for supper, so I go down stairs to go eat. I ate and came back to my room. The box that had my necklace in it was on my bed, the book was also opened to page number 156, there was a picture of a type of demonic entity on there and some type of jewelry for demonic entities. There was nothing that I could read. I went to look farther where the necklace came from. I opened up the box and inside was a bloodied love note and a heart ring.

(Pic not mine ofc) Where did it come from, what is it suggesting and why is it here? I wouldn't know what it's telling me without having Kieran coming over to read it to me

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(Pic not mine ofc)

Where did it come from, what is it suggesting and why is it here? I wouldn't know what it's telling me without having Kieran coming over to read it to me. He could help me but I don't want him to get involved with the activities that I am encountering. I don't want my parents have him stay down stairs while I show him the book, and I don't want to take the book to school with me I case there is somebody after it or a student takes it. I can ask Mr. Oni about it but his unusual glare words me in unnerving.

Should I get help from Kieran or should I ask Mr. Oni? You decide...

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