Chapter - 2

42 1 2

Recap:  I got dressed and then hurried down the ladder and stairs to the living room. Your parents looked at you worried, making you confused. Can they read Latin?

Did they read the book...


I made my way off the stairs to the couch, not wanting to say anything because I felt like it could be used against me. My parents looked at me with a concerning look on their faces, the book in their hands. 

"I...I don't know what the book is about" I uttered. They both sigh in unison with resignation.

"Don't get these types of books again, ok?" Mom said with confidence.

"Yes mom I understand, as long as you don't throw the book away" I state.

"Alright just don't do anything stupid" Dad growls. 'Uh, what does he mean by that??' I grab the book from the couch and take it to my room to find a place to hide it. You found a locked box big enough to fit the book but it's locked. I had 2 options, lock pick the box or find the key without your parents knowing. I'm going with option 1 because you had been watching videos about lock picking doors and locks so you thought you could give it a try. Your stomach reminded you that you did not eat last night and you needed to eat. 'I wish I didn't need to eat'. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a sundae pop tart and put it into the microwave for 30 seconds. Once the microwave beeped I poured myself a glass of... hehe....malk lol....milk and cut my pop tart to dip my pop tart into my milk. I thought I could find the key, the first place to look for it is in my parent's room, hopefully, I won't find anything in there that isn't child-friendly. Went to my parent's room to find out they have an Xbox, but I need to focus so looking under the bed I found a key but didn't grab it. I knew what it was for, I went back to my room and looked around in places my Dad told me not to snoop in but curiosity kills the cat so I had to do it.

After an hour or two, you didn't know because you just kept looking and didn't look at the time, you found a weird-looking key that belongs to the locked box. Unlocking the box resulted in finding a necklace with a note in Latin, 'wow so surprising', I grab the necklace and set it in my dresser. I needed to learn Latin to learn what my parents are hiding from me. You needed a break but with no friends around and living out of town, you decided to go for a walk to clear your head. I text my parents to let them know I'm leaving the house for a few hours, telling me to tell my siblings not to burn the house down, so I did. I got my jacket, shoes, keys, wallet, and book. I walk into a cafe and ordered a coffee with a big guy sitting behind me. I open the book and take my phone out to help me read the book, the guy behind me stares at me. 'Great somebody is staring' 'Maybe he likes you~' 'Get out of my head!' Putting my hands to my head the waitress asked if I was ok, 'Of course not..'

"I'm ok, thanks for asking!" I said with a grin. The waitress sets the coffee on the table while the big guy comes and sits across from me in the booth. I stared at him and he stared at me then divided my attention to the book that I am trying to decode. 

"Aren't you gonna say hello~" 

"I am busy, sorry" I stated. He frowns, trying to read the book I had laid out on the table. He clearly wants me to give him attention, sighing I let him look at the book.

"This book 'ere is old, huh?" he says questionable. Keeping quiet to myself he frowns even more, which I didn't know was possible, I take a sip of my coffee.

"Your too young to be drinking that, how old are ya?" he asked.

"I'm 18, my parents don't care what I do or drink as long as is not illegal" I muttered. There was a big gap of silence between the both of us until he got up and left. You finished your coffee and got up and left to go to your next place, the library. You got to the library and asked to be on a computer. I got onto the computer immediately with more eyes on you than ever before. You look around to nobody being anywhere near you to where they can see you. you shook the feeling off and continued to do more research on the book and about Latin, there was a teacher who spoke and taught Latin but that was Mr. Oni and he gave you a weird twisting feeling in your stomach. You didn't find much bout the book but found the daring Duolingo site, it had haunted me because of the memes that people would make. I got the site anyways because any other app you had to pay for, knowing this you started learning Latin but of course, it's going to take a while to learn and to read. 

I left the Library while Mr. Oni was walking in with the same look in his eyes. 'Did he always have the look in his eyes?' You shrugged and started towards the house, being able to listen to my music loudly for once, walking through the door there were children on the floor crying because a picture frame broke. I reassured my siblings that they won't get in trouble, but I was wrong. Later that night my parents came home and I told them that the picture frame broke, not letting me get the chance to tell them what happened, but only to blame it on me because I was gone and that I should have been at home. While they were yelling at me and only me I walked away when they both were yelling and got even more furious, I stayed in my room for the rest of the night.

I had gotten up early for school, I wanted to walk because I was upset at my parents and I can't eat any food at school because I didn't pack lunch and had no money for school lunch. I had to go throughout the day with an empty stomach. It was the fourth hour and I had to go to mythology, walking in there I sat in the back like always but got a new student. His name was Kieran and he had mentioned he could speak Latin and that he was hot. He sat next to you, waving at you, you blush. The bell rung shortly after Kieran was introduced, but the bell shouldn't have rang. The bell rings at 2:41 and it was only 2:00.

'Shit, it's an intruder lock down, this is the day I die.' We all moved the desks in front of the door to prevent the intruder from coming into the room. We all hid in the closet that was big enough for the whole class, I was sitting in the back with Kieran sitting close to me. Way to close for comfort too, I was a blushing mess but to only start hearing sounds. The sounds were heavy foot steps and a thumping sound of the intruder trying to barge into the room. You had your bag with your book, feeling a wave of relief when it suddenly crashes when you hear the intruder say something... you didn't hear what they had said but hearing a shh from the teacher reminding us to all stay quiet so we could trick the intruder but I don't think that was working.

"Darling~ Where are you~" the Intruder singing. He must have stabbed his knife into the door where we were all hiding, breaking the door knob, he had opened the door to the closet. Then that's when I had remembered the dream about this guy, it was Bob Velseb.

What is he going to do?....

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