Clue's and Danger (3)

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~ Branzy ~

After leaving Clown at home to rest (if he wasn't resting he would personally break his arm again - ok not really), Branzy found himself wandering aimlessly around the server.

He walked in lonely solitude. The sound of nothing but the trees and plants, thrashing in the wind was the only company he had. Branzy didn't know where he was going, he just let his feet guide him, but after all, how could he possibly afford to think about where he was going, when his mind was being bombarded with question after question?

Who shot that arrow?
Was Clown feeling better?
Who was the intended victim of that arrow?
Was Clown sleeping right now?
Who wasn't with everyone else?
Will Clown be safe?
What if plants are farming us for carbon dioxide? Sorry I had to 😭🖐️

Finally snapping out of the hazy blur of his thoughts, he found himself standing in front of the scene itself - spawn, where Vitalasy and Clown had been fighting only a few hours ago. His eyes glazed over the now empty area, earlier packed full of people.

Something felt wrong, the trees seemed taller than usual, the buildings somehow more imposing. Maybe the grass was the wrong shade of green, maybe if was the abnormal amount of ravens and crows, or maybe it was the new sight that could now be found at spawn - the crater. The wind sang an eerie, almost comforting tune, the notes spelling out the letters of danger. Branzy, get a grip of yourself, you're starting to hear things.

He exhaled slowly, trudging through the rubble from the explosion as his breath fogged up into a small cloud in front of his face. The puffs of air were blowing away in the gales, forming and then subsiding again and again and again. Out of his periphery, he noticed an object, a singular arrow. The long and slender figure was laying within the shadows of the jagged rocks. It looked to be one of the arrows that was shot by whoever was third-partying earlier.

Cocking his head slightly, he slowly bent over to pick up the object. Engraved, on the arrow was the letter K, etched lightly into the wood. Why did it look so familiar? He could have sworn he had seen it somewhere before.

Maybe not.

Branzy's eyes fluttered shut as he tried to recollect where he had seen it previously. It just seemed so familiar. He wanted to remember something, anything! Nothing. Absolutely nothing. His mind was blank. The harder he tried to think, the more empty his mind seemed to become, as if his grasp on his subconscious was slowly slipping away into oblivion.

Sighing in fustrastration, he kept thinking, and thinking, and thinking, he was adamant to know. This would irritate him if he couldn't remember it. Until... a memory resurfaced, not of the arrow, but of the small piece of paper he had found earlier.

Quickly, he fished it out of his pocket, eager to know what secrets it may hold. He thumbled as he unfolded it (giving himself a few paper cuts in the process) to reveal a messy scrawl of writing.

(More unlisted names here)

-891079 -23 19228

And so the list went on, Branzy skimmed over so many familiar names, yet so many unfamiliar also towards the end of the list. Branzy stared transfixed at the paper in confusion.

Why was his name on this piece of paper?

Who were the people at the end of the list?

Were those coordinates at the bottom?

He was probably lost in his own thoughts for a little too long for the next thing he realised, was that the sky was beginning to darken. A thick blanket of mist had come rolling in and wrapped around Branzy choking him in it's misty grasp.

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