Mission 2: Assignment

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I sat across from Phoenix in one of the smaller meeting rooms at headquarters, and blinked. My ears were playing tricks on me. They had to be. "You want me to do what?" I asked. "We want you to infiltrate Operation Strix and discreetly aid Agent Twilight." Agent Phoenix replied. Phoenix was part of the Collective, the main leaders of V.E.I.L, and she was also my most common contact for important missions straight from the brass. She's like that strict aunt that's confident in your abilities but also secretly worried you'll do something brash (which, I'll admit, is completely understandable).

I frowned. "But how am I supposed to do that? Where do I start?" "You'll be briefed with the details once you've agreed." Phoenix replied. I sighed, before nodding.

It's not like I could just refuse a top priority mission. Think of what that would do to my reputation, not to mention the whole East-and-West-are-on-the-brink-of-war-and-we-gotta-stop-it thing.

"Yeah, okay. What exactly do you want me to do?" "You're going to go undercover, and one of our contacts will convince Twilight to adopt you when he goes to the orphanage. Then you will do everything you can to get into Eden Academy and gain access to Donovan Desmond. All the other details will be sorted out." Phoenix said. I nodded, and asked, "When do I start?"

"Tomorrow morning. By then, your forged papers will be completed. We're purposely keeping them vague, that way he can't look too far into your past. Something tells me he won't mind, since it'll be easier for him to change your background. Leave your things in the second lounge room for now. You have another assignment today, before you leave. Here."

Phoenix opened her bag and took out a folder, sliding it across the table to me. "Take this too." She handed me a few bills, and I quickly counted it. Đ16 (about ¥5000/$50). "Payment in advance."

I grinned as Phoenix got up and left, presumably going to do paperwork somewhere or something. I put the money in my dress's pocket and opened the folder. I flipped through the few papers in the folder, getting a gist of my assignment.

Looks like I'll be intercepting some information before it gets to Edgar's men. I left the room and went to the currently unused lounge room, dropping off my stuff before heading out.


"Geez, they're really working you!"

I sighed, swinging my legs back and forth. I was sitting on the counter of a tobacco shop. Not exactly the most common place for a kid to be, I know. But I was finished with my mission, and I needed information.

And Franky was the best in the biz, at least as far as I knew. He was also the only one I personally knew that had a direct connection to W.I.S.E, not to mention Twilight, although that was about to change.

"Yeah, but what're you gonna do? Anyway, I came by to ask for some info on Eden Academy. Professor files, layout, routines, the like." 

I'd just finished explaining my situation to him, and now I just had to hope he'd comply. Fortunately, I didn't need to worry. "Sure. But I don't know how long it'll take me to get it." Franky replied. "How soon can you get it to me?" I asked. "Hmm. I'd estimate about a week, probably less."

"Okay. If you start looking into it now, you'll have a head start when Twilight asks you for info! Just get me a copy of whatever he won't show me as his daughter, like profiles. I'm guessing he'll want me to remember entrance exam answers, so those I don't need." I grinned. 'Besides, I can always use my powers to get answers if I really need to, but that's just a last resort. I doubt any of the kids at the exam will know what they're doing anyway.'

"Yeah, okay Pink." Franky replied. "And you're completely confident you can pull this off? Twilight's not an easy guy to trick." he said. "I know. But I've gotta do what I can." I said determinedly. He nodded, smiling a bit.

"Well, I should get going before more people give you strange looks for having a kid at a tobacco shop." I laughed, hopping down from the counter. "Yeah! You're driving away customers!" he exclaimed. "What customers?" I asked innocently, before sticking out my tongue and taking off.


V.E.I.L Case Files:

ID: #03 - Chair 07
Codename: PHOENIX
Division: Collective
Age: 37 (♀)
Skills: Leadership, Martial Arts, Multilingual, Flexible, Adaptable, Organized, Communication, Critical Thinking
Overview: She is strict but fair, with a soft side for children. She dislikes taking risks, and carefully calculates the outcomes for operations in order to ensure minimal damage.
She is one of the main communications between the Agents and the Collective, next to WREN. She has trained only three disciples, one of which is MIA, and the other two being part of Zero Ops, including STARFALL. She is favored among the Agents, with some even going to her for advice.

Submitted By
Head Secretary

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