New Journey

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It had been months since the Opera Populaire had been burnt to the ground and in those months Aria and I became closer on my journey to find a new place to call my home, now taking precedence. The music box: I had made, came with me as it was the only way to communicate with my new inspiration to continue... It was my inspiration that I had thought I had seen in Christine and had gone away completely when she chose Raoul... Aria became my close companion and confidant, even despite the several reasons that keep us apart. Nevertheless, Aria has been my greatest ally and my harshest critic, and the lifeline I didn't know I needed. She- Aria is most definitely younger than me, but I am not too concerned about our age difference, especially when I won't ever be able to meet her. Even if I wished to meet the girl who has given me a new reason to live and continue my passion for my music.

Finding out the music box was a way of communication was surprising to find out, to say the least. The signal that we each have replied to each other's letters is when the music box begins to play, at least I assume it's the same for her. I await her letters eagerly almost as if I was some hormonal young man, I enjoy writing to her, for she- unlike many her age and gender did not judge me based on my past actions too much. Though, I did receive a thorough tongue-lashing from her about my killing people... and a long month of silence from her as punishment. Telling her about my past was not my proudest moment. She told me that while she understood the reasons why I had to do what I did she would never accept murder, she had said she understood it was necessary for survival.

I had told her that I would only be able to respond to her letters whenever I'd stopped for the night or when I got into a new town. As soon as I came upon a small town on my journey, I went to the nearest inn and booked a room for a single night. Once I was left alone in my room for the night, I set about to write my response to Aria's last letter.


I am very pleased to hear that you are well and that your incident wasn't too horrible. Currently, I am trying to find safe passage to a different country. Though it may seem like an impossibility at this point, America seems to be the easiest to escape to at this point. However, if I did decide to travel elsewhere; where should I go? What is your opinion on the matter? I have plenty of livre for traveling expenses. I wish to know your thoughts. On a lighter subject, how did your date go? It was two nights ago if I remember correctly, yes? I do so hope that it has gone well. I have grown so accustomed to receiving your letters that it is now a very welcomed part of my daily routine to check and read the music box for your letter, like a clear sunny sky after the rainy season.



I had paused many times while I was writing my reply to Aria, mainly due to my thoughts of her also falling in love with another. I hated that thought, but I knew that she would be better off with a male from her time, country, and age... I wanted to see her, hear her, touch her...selfish as it may be... I wanted her to be mine... As cruel as it may sound "I hope her date was foul." I muttered to myself as I sealed up the letter, folded it up, and placed it into my music box.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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