Working hard

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Sitting down feels weird to me. I love to be up running or climbing but right now I can't disappoint Master Sergeant Henley. He stares at me with his brown eyes almost the same color as his bronze skin. He has wrinkles from many years of squinting at me. I smirk at the thought.

He finnally smiles at me but I know it's gonna involve me doing him a favor.
"Alright Roselle that stunt you pulled may have been funny to me and you but you're setting a bad example for the men". He shakes his head and I roll my eyes.
"Oh come on it was just a punch to the nose I didn't even break his this time. Plus I'm showing them self defense sir".
I rest my elbows on the captains desk and he rolls his eyes at me. I roll my brown ones back at his and pull my brown curly hair up in a bun again. It had fallen out when I was fighting one of my crew members.

He flicked his wrist telling me to go and I give him a salut and skip out. As I'm walking down the hall I hear my best friend Alaina yell my name.
"Elena God damnit I know you like to be moving but slow the fuck down girl".
Yes meet Alaina born and raised in the military life just like I did with my parents. I swear she should have been a sailor. She would have nailed the whole sailors mouth thing. She can cuss anyone out. Heck that's what got us in trouble the first year we joined the marines and military. I stopped so she could catch up and then continued walking.
"So Taylor what you want".
Alaina looked at me and threw a middle finger up at me.
"Well then fuck you too Roselle. I was gonna just talk about the event my dads going to for my brother Harold to support him with his cancer and I was going so I wanted to know if you can tag along".
I smiled at my best friend and pulled my arm around her and continued walking. I soon nodded and we went into the ballet studio we built for the other girls and us. I pulled down my sweats so that I only had my shorts on from underneath it and a grey jumper.

we put on the song stranger and began spinning slowly and floating across the room like graceful swans. I loved go dance because it let me express my feeling through movement. Instead of punching someone like I did a few hours ago I dance to Metallica or pantera and avenge sevenfold. We continue to mess around and stretch out our muscles and try our routine we created for a few hours.

After we're both danced out I head back to the bunker a building while she goes to bunker b building. I hop in the shower and rinse off the sweat I had created from dance and blood I gotten on me from the man who said girls can't fight earlier that ended me in henleys office. As I got out I ran towards my bunk and opened up my drawer and pulled out the blue silky dress I bought when me and my crew went to India for a mission. It was beautiful but I had no excuse to wear it until now. I dried my hair off and curled it so it rested just a little past my shoulders. I then added eyeliner and Chapstick and I was done. After putting the dress on I went to Alaina's bunk and let her pick out a pair of shoes for me. she gave me a pair of silver open toed heels and then she started getting ready.

She chose a red cocktail dress her mom gave her along with the black heels I got her for her birthday. soon we both were ready and looked hot. we made our way out to the exit of the barracks and waved to Pierre the security guard who manages who comes in and who goes out. He gave us a signature smile of his and types in something and the fences unlocked. We slipped out and made our way to the parking garage and hopped into my 1993 Volvo. Alaina gave me the directions to the event and we made our way there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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