Mentor (Yunjin)

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"Who is he?" Yunjin asked Felix

"Oh haven't you heard of him? He is famous for being cheated by his past lovers. That's y/n, through those times he experienced being cheated made him turn into he is now.... A heartless demon. He doesn't care if the enemy he's killing had a family, he will kill it mercilessly even if they had a kid he doesn't care." Felix said

"I mean we cannot blame him for losing his sanity. Being cheated on many times turn us into not believing in love. Making us heartless in process" Yunjin said

"But killing a child? That's insane!" Felix said

"Well yeah it is.... But that's what he became so we cannot do anything about it" Yunjin said

"Well cheating is just part of life right honey?" Felix said as he wrapped his arms around Yunjin

"Stop it, your girlfriend might see us" Yunjin said

"Yeah I will! I will!" Felix said

You were looking at them deadly right in their eye as you drink a coffee. Yunjin notices your stare but as soon as she met your eyes she felt shiver run through her spine as her hands quiver in fear then you look away and left the counter after paying for your drink taking your sword.

"What was that?" Yunjin said quivering in fear

"Hmm? What's wrong baby?" Felix said

"I don't want to see that sinister look of him ever again... It gives me... Creeps" Yunjin said

"Should we spy on his mission?" Felix said

"Fine" Yunjin said "Let's see how brutal he can be"

Yunjin and Felix followed you and they saw you facing a couple. They decided to watch the whole scene.

"So your her ex boyfriend Huh? I have heard that you-"

You slit his throat without thinking surprising the girl as she saw the blood splashes on her which made her scream.

"Your too noisy" you said and stab his stomach "Die..."

You deepen the sword to him then you pulled your sword out of him as his lifeless body fall to the ground then you look at the girl ready to kill her

"You won't kill me right? Right y/n? You still love me right?" the girl said shaking in fear

"My mission is to kill you Yena" you said

"You still love me right? Right baby?!" Yena said

"Die" you said

"No! No! Ah!!"

You slashed Yena's body vertically as blood splashes everywhere as she fall to the ground. She looked at you then you pointed your sword on her throat as tears flowing in to her eyes but you  don't care you stabbed her throat ending her life.

This scene made Yunjin anxious and scared at you. When she met your gaze that was the first time she felt like she need to look back on her past decisions but she snap it away and focus on you.

One girl charge towards you and then your sword clashes on her sword. She was glaring at you as tears falling to her eyes.

"You bastard!!"

"Oh who the hell are you?" you said

"I'm his girlfriend you asshole!!"

"Oh well then your late he is dead!" You said and cut her arms with your knife making her let go of the sword "Your gonna join him soon"

"I was pregnant with his child!" she said

Yunjin and Felix heard it which made Yunjin feel sorry and angry.

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