Episode 4..

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Jimin was in kitchen with jin for cleaning and helping him and he waited for jungkook to be free from planning their next mission so that they both can go together to wake tae up , jin asked jimin "Minnie where is that baby who came with seojoon?" Jimin answered "he is sleeping upstairs hyung , I didn't want to disturb him so I can down" jin said "that is okay Minnie but he shouldn't sleep at this time otherwise he'll not be able to sleep at night I'll call him okay" "sure hyung" jimin said.

Jin went to the room looking for tae but he didn't see taehyung in the room and saw the windows open he thought someone trespassed and kidnapped tae , he panicked and called jimin "JIMIN" "THE LITTLE KID IS NOT IN THE ROOM AND THE WINDOW IS OPEN DID SOMEONE KIDNAP HIM?" jimin came running to the room " that can't happen hyung the security is too high outside noone can trespass" jin said "then where is the little guest?" "Let's look for him hyung" jimin said.

Jimin was checking every single room of second floor and jin was searching downstairs , jin was in a little panic mode because of him being worried about tae ! Running from rooms to rooms jimin reached suga's bedroom in which he peeked scared of scolding but got surprised when he saw suga cuddling with tae in his bed ! Surprised jimin called jin from ground floor.

Jin ran to suga's room and got shocked as he knew Suga since 7 years and never in those years he saw suga cuddling someone ! He went to the bedside and tried to wake Suga up "hey ! Hey ! Suga ! Phss Suga SUGAAA !!" Suga jumped because of the sudden shout and scolded jin "can't you see hyung there is a baby asleep next to me keep it down for duck sake !" Jin was really surprised and shocked but it cut off when tae woke up and rubbed his eyes with his sweater paws and said " what happened kitty hyung?"

Jimin suddenly laughed because of the name tae gave Suga "KiTtY hyung" Suga glared at hum and just told tae "hey cub it's time to eat okay so let us go and eat then you can sleep" jin was beyond shocked now coz Suga was talking to tae too softly "wow yoon you are not you" jimin and jin just stood still shocked and tae was too confused !

Going downstairs for food tae suddenly said "seojoonie hyungie hungwy" and made Grabby hands to seojoon , seojoon cooed and hugged tae and said "I'll feed my little baby" others just watched with pure adoration ! Everyone was laughing listening to tae blabbering and acting cute ! Tae was pointing everyone like "kookie bunny , hobi squirrel , joonie koala , chimmy chick , yoonie kitty , jinnie alpaka " everyone was just so happy because of tae.

Tae was already asleep on couch and joonie was in deep thoughts which were cut off by seojoon "hey joon what happened why are you so drowned in thoughts?" Joon replied saying " seojoon I just observed something , we all are together for 7 years till now and never in all those years I observed these stress-free smiles and carefree laughs from my members which are my family ! I always wanted them to be safe and healthy but never really thought of their happiness but today watching then laugh such hearty laughs was really something which was only possible because of tae ! You know seojoon jin has always been my absolute happiness along with all my members but now I see tae as all of our happiness ! Please do me a favour and let tae be in touch with us" seojoon was really stunned but said " hey joon there is no such thing as favour in friendship ! As much as I love tae I love you too , I trust you that you'll keep my baby safe but I'll be with you in everything bro I just don't want to leave you" joonie was really happy that he hugged seojoon and said " you're the real one joon thank you so much man" seojoon replied "don't worry joonie tata loves making new friends so he will be really happy to be friends with all of you " namjoon smiled !

Jimin and jungkook were with tae on the couch as tae's head was on jungkook's lap and his feet were on jimin's lap they were just talking to each other about the upcoming mission "minie I don't know what will happen in this mission will I be able to help hyungs? I'm nervous" jimin smiled at kook and said "kook why are you worried you're literally perfect in everything you do so this is your chance to work with something new and please don't let it go ! Try hard and I'll be here" jungkook said " thank you hyung ! For always supporting me no matter what" jimin smiled and said "oh come on no thank you okay !!"

Hobi and Suga were in the kitchen cleaning up while Jin seojoon and namjoon were talking. Hobi saw suga in deep thoughts and said "hey hyung what's on your mind? Why do you look so confused?" Suga thought and said "hoba think about it this kid is Frank with us and comfortable with us because he doesn't know anything about our identity what will happen if he knows? Because clearly he is too baby to even know what a mafia is! I'm a little worried about him being here , there are a lot of enemies outside who wants to harm us and he will be the easiest target if anyone found about him we should protect him at all costs , I'll do anything but I'll not let anyone touch any of you guys ! You're all my everything I can't risk to loose you guys" hobi was really astonished listening to this coz Suga never really talked kuch about feeling and fear but today he was open about it hobi was happy and said " do not worry hyung I'll protect him and all of you guys too ! We all love each other too much nothing can happen to us !"

*Hey bunnies !
I am so sorry for the late updates I present ! Actually it's really hard to publish stories each day coz I'm actually busy in studies and other activities but I promise I'll try to be regular ! Thank you for reading ! I'm open to feedback 💜"

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