Ch.1 Strange Feelings

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When I first met her, she was laying in bed unconscious from Haypasia's incense. I distinctly remember being so riled up because how dumb can someone be to walk in on someone trying to connect with Irminsul?? In the time she spent in my house I got to observe her every move... the manner she slept in.

Her light airy breath.

Her fragile composure.

I didn't have to help her, but I did. This I'm not sure why. Yes of course I'd helped others before, it's my job to take care of the forest and it's people... but I'd never seen anyone like her before. I discovered a new type of feeling. Something deep inside that makes me feel uneasy. I've never yearned to reach out and touch someone as much as I wanted to touch her. Just to see what her soft skin felt like.

These irrational feelings were definitely a nuisance, and a distraction from my research. Luckily, her floating friend cried too much to keep me focused on the thought. Once she woke up, one thing led to another and just like the traveling wind she was gone.

Off to Sumeru city to meet with Lesser lord Kusanali. My house was no longer occupied by her soft breathing... and now the house felt.... empty. I find myself thinking about her often, and wondering when she might appear into my life again.


"LUMIINE!" Paimon's screech echoed through the tall walls of Sumeru city. Lumine covered her ears to keep them from bursting at the high pitch squeal.

"Paimon is soo hungryy, cant we just stop by the tavern and eat a teeny tiny snack?"

"No can do. You want food, we need mora..." Lumine explained.

"If you want mora, we need to WORK!"

"Awhhh" Paimon groaned in frustration as she followed alongside her companion.

They were on their way to see Katheryne to gather the daily commissions. It was early of course so naturally Paimon would feel hungry... Lumine did too, but they were running low on mora. What other choice did she have?

"Ad Astra Abysosque! Goodmorning Travelor and Paimon."

"Morning Katheryne, got any good commissions that will pay well?"

"In need of some money this morning are we?" Katheryne giggled.

"Well you're in luck, there's this one right her."


"Tighnari posted this one yesterday morning, no one has picked it up though... strange."

"Well it's been a while since we've seen him, it'd be nice to drop by!" Lumine said with a positive smile.

"I'll take it!"


Lumine traveled to Gandharva Ville to look for her fuzzy-eared friend.

"Tighnari?" She called as she entered his tent like home. There was no response.

"Maybe he isn't home..."

"Are you looking for master Tighnari?" A small voice appeared from behind her, making her jump in place.

"C-collei... you scared me haha." Collei suddenly felt embarrassed.

"O-oh, I didn't meant to I'm sorry..." she continued.

"Master Tighnari is down by the river, picking those lotus flowers..."

"No adventurer was willing to take his commission, so he went to go do it himself." Lumine felt her heart sink. All that she could think was 'no wonder Tighnari doesn't like adventurers...'

"I'll go find him, I'm actually here for his commission."

Collie gave off a bright smile at that response.

"Good, he has been wanting to see you again for quite some time."

"What-" before Lumine could finish, Collei sharply turned around in the direction of the door, and left. Lumine decided to ignore this and go back to finding Tighnari.


She went down by the calm stream of water surrounded by tall green leaves and various shapes, sizes and colored mushrooms. Sumeru was beautiful, there's no denying that. She followed the stream until she noticed a familiar figure waist deep in the river.

"Tighnari?? What are you doing!" She called from where she was. His ears pricked up at the sound of the familiar voice. He turned around suddenly, almost dropping the numerous flowers collected in his two arms.

"Lumine..." He responded, in a wary and borderline uncomfortable tone. He wanted to see her, yes. But not under these circumstances.

"I need to make medicine for children. I wanted to experiment with the Nilopala Lotus because the taste might make it sweeter..." he explained.

"I wanted an adventurer to help out but no one ever took the commission... on a normal matter waiting would be fine, but there are kids being affected by the withering zones... i needed these asap."

"Well, that's why I'm here." she said with a smile.

Tighnari tried his best to keep his fluffy tail from wagging as a response to her statement. Thankfully it was submerged in water and went unnoticed.

He watched as her bright hair flew with the breeze as she dropped down into the water. And began carefully pulling at the leaves of the lotus, making sure not to damage the flower inside. She was so gentle, so caring. He felt the same familiar yearn again, it was easier to control himself though given she was awake and it would be really awkward. He shook the thoughts away and began picking the flowers as well. A silence fell between the two, the only thing that was heard was the natural sounds of Gandharva Ville.


"There, that should be the last one." Lumine scooped up the final flower in her arms and placed it in the bag on Tighnari's side.

"Thank you... ill pay you shortly, first do you mind helping me take them back up to the tree house?"

"Of course not." She smiled as she took one of Tighnari's bags and motioned for them to head towards his home.

When they got there they placed the flowers on his research desk. He sat down in the chair neatly placed near. Lumine thought it was cute how his tail wrapped around his waist as he sat down.

"Is there something wrong? You've been staring for a very long time.."
Lumine felt the blood creeping up her face, turning them a shade of pink. She HAD been staring for a LONG time!!

"Nothing...i just-" she stuttered.

"Mind if i stay... maybe i could help..." Tighnari froze, his eyes giving off a blank appearance.

"I could leave if you want to work alone-"

"NO!" He shouted. He hadn't realized he jumped out of his chair in protest. He sat back down, thoroughly embarrassed.

"No... id love the company... if you don't mind. " Lumine smiled and nodded. She sat herself on his bed and began to watch as he worked on different ways to treat the kids.

I didn't realize it but it was already dark. I got so indulged in my research that time flew by and the sun has already gone. I glance over at Lumine. She was sat up sleeping, her head resting on the desk. It looked uncomfortable, but I wouldn't dare wake her. She looked so peaceful, the same airy breathing as before.

This time I couldn't help it. She was already so close, and the urge I had to poke her cheek was too strong to ignore.

Her eyelashes were long and beautiful.
Her hair framed her face perfectly aswell.

I reached out and gently caressed her cheek. Just as I did, she opened her eyes...

Authors note: welcome to my little world, I hope this story goes well

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