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Here is everything you need to know before you decide to enter this contest!

Add this book to your private and public reading list—one for info and one for clout.

Your story does not need to be completed, but it must have at least six full chapters, not including your prologue. Well, unless it's chapter length, but then you probably should just label it as Chapter 1 anyway. 😂

Chapter length must be under 3000 words. Our judges will get pissy about overly long chapters, and your book is likely to be set aside quickly in the elimination-style judging if you have chapters that are too long.

You may enter up to three stories but in different genres. Spread the love out a little.

Judges may enter, but you may not enter in the category you're judging. That's not sexy.

Your stories must be in English. Hopefully, we can expand in the future... 'cause, you know, French is the language of luv. Nous t'aimons. (That's "We love you," in French, y'all. Google translate says so.)

Do bribe the judges. Oh, wait, that should say don't bribe the judges! We know it's hard 'cause they're all sexy as hell, but it isn't ethical. That will also end in disqualification.

Mature and LGBT+ themes are allowed (DUH, we have an erotica category!). With that being said, judges must be comfortable with those themes, so if you're innocent and virginal (which is cool), don't volunteer to judge.

The password is {billionaire}. This is to ensure you read the rules.

If you change your username or book title, we need to be notified. If you fail to do so, your story might end up being overlooked and removed from the contest, which isn't sexy either.

Be willing to accept constructive criticism. The goal is to improve, right?

Well, this should be about it. Everything is pretty standard, but it's always good to state how the contest is governed. 

Romantic Dreams 2023 by Team of DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now