Plan B

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Elizabeth works as a lab assistant at Vought International. She's one of the most brilliant minds of her times. But this is no surprise being that her great grandfather is THE genius geneticist Fredrick Vought, CEO of Vought International.

Elizabeth's true capabilities are often overlooked by her colleagues. They look down their noses at her for who her great grandparent's are (Stormfront and Fredrick). Their Nazi beliefs have tainted the family name. Unlike them though, Elizabeth is quite the opposite. She's VERY liberal and believes in human rights and equality for all. She's also about as far left as you can get when it comes to politics.

Elizabeth feels like she has to constantly prove herself to get the respect that she deserves around Vought Laboratories. The other employees feel like she's only there because of her last name not because of her brilliant capabilities. They never give her credit or listen to her ideas and if they do, then they claim them as their own. She's often ostracized, and ends up working on most projects all by herself.

She's truly fascinated though with one Supe in particular, Soldier Boy. Elizabeth grew up watching the movies, television shows, and interviews of him. He was an absolute legend throughout her entire childhood. She's even gone through Vought's archives on numerous occasions to watch any unreleased footage that she can get her hands on. Some would even say that she's slightly obsessed with the Supe.

After his escape from Russia, Elizabeth tracked all of Soldier Boy's destruction that he left in his wake. She studied every single incident with a fine toothed comb. She was even there at the lab the day that he was gassed, captured, and brought back in. She watched from the control room as the glass capsule closed over his comatose body. It broke her heart to see her idol be put into such a state, but she knew that he was like a nuclear bomb ready to go off and any moment. He was capable of destroying the entire eastern seaboard with just one bad mood swing.

Elizabeth prefers to work late in the evenings once all of the other employees have left for the day. She gets some of her best work done during that time. The latest project that she's working on is to perfect a serum that will suppress or even control Soldier Boy's nuclear blasts. She hopes by doing this that they'll let him rejoin society and maybe even Vought's team of Supes. But eventually she'd like this serum to be used on all Supes to suppress their powers for good, doing away with heroes and villains once and for all.

One particular morning she has a nasty argument with her boyfriend Magneto, who's also a Supe. He's not happy that she's spending all of her waking hours at the lab and not showing him any attention. He constantly complains about how he's second fiddle to her obsession with Soldier Boy. Magneto is cocky, arrogant, and ridiculously good looking with a magnetic personality. His charm really is hard for anyone to resist.

He's considered one of the "pretty boy" Supes and is also bi-sexual. He constantly cheats on Elizabeth with men that he works out with at the gym. He's sucked and fucked so much dick in the gym locker room of Vought International that it would be a shock if there's any man left in the building that he hasn't done yet. He and Elizabeth fight constantly and she's about had her fill of dating Supes. They're all the same and she's ready for a break so that she can focus on her project of curing Soldier Boy.

Magneto spends that particular morning of their fight gaslighting her. He blames her for all of their issues, as if he wasn't the guiltiest one of them all with his locker room shenanigans. "You spend every waking moment in that lab Elizabeth, and I'm sick of it! This obsession with a washed up Supe like Soldier Boy is unhealthy!" He scolds.

"It's my fucking job Magneto! I'm sorry if I'm not a Supe. I can't just go to the gym and make tv appearances all day when I'm not saving random cats from trees! My job is important! It makes it possible for people like you to do yours! Plus, what do you even care? you spend more time plucking, primping and shaving your taint in that bathroom than you do fucking me!" She shouts back.

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