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"Are you ok?" Soldier's Boy asks with a look of concern. "Yeah...I think so" Elizabeth replies. "Fuck! I can't believe I did that. SON OF A BITCH! I could have killed you!" He angrily shouts. "Hey, you didn't though, so it's alright. Just help me up" she says trying to make her way up to her feet. He quickly picks her up then sets her upright onto her feet.

She sighs, "shit! What are we gonna do now. We have no car so no way to get to the airport" she says looking at their desolate surroundings. "I guess we'll just have to hoof it" he replies picking up her bags. She stumbles, grabs her head, and takes a few wobbly steps. "Can you pull it together enough to walk?" He asks with a glare as if he's mad that she's injured. "Oh I don't know, a building just fell on me, but I'll give it a shot" she replies sarcastically shooting him a glare back. He huffs and starts walking off as she tries to get her bearings and keep up.

They walk a few miles and she trails behind most of the way, pissed off at his lack of concern for her injuries. They see a shady looking dive bar on the side of the road off in the distance. "Oh yeah baby! SALVATION!" Soldier Boy says chucking excitedly. "A dive bar? Really? That's your salvation? Shit! Couldn't it have been a hotel?" She replies rolling her eyes.

He quickly turns around towards her. "No way, this is perfect. I've got a plan. Do you trust me?" He asks.

She scoffs, "I should but, your lack of concern for my injuries is telling me otherwise" she quips back

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She scoffs, "I should but, your lack of concern for my injuries is telling me otherwise" she quips back. "Stop it! You're fine. Toughen up woman! You're probably gonna get a lot more fucked up than this hanging around with me" he laughs. "Oh geez, I can't wait" she sarcastically mutters.

"Alright, come here" he says as he eyeballs the Harley Davidson motorcycle parked out front. He takes her hand and turns her towards him as he kneels in front of her. He then grabs the thigh of her jeans and forcefully yanks the fabric ripping it. "What the hell are you doing?!" She scolds. He looks up at her and says "I said trust me, DAMN IT!" Aggressively. He then does the same to her other pant leg turning her jeans into cut off booty shorts. Her ass cheeks are now hanging out of the bottom catching a cool breeze. "What the fuck?" She mutters with a heavy sigh as she turns around looking at her ass.

He then stands up slides his finger between the top two buttons of her blouse and gives it a yank. He pops the button off then gives her a smirk as he looks up at her. "Really? Is all of this necessary?" She asks. He gives her a mischievous grin and proceeds to tie the bottom of her blouse into a knot tightly under her breasts to reveal her stomach.

She looks down at her clothes that are now barely covering anything. "So I now that I look like an absolute slut, what's your plan? Are you pimping me out?" She asks with a stern look. "Nah...well...kind of" he replies chuckling as he wipes the blood from her forehead with his thumb. "WHAT?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" She replies shocked.

"Just cool your jets darlin' and follow my lead, I know what I'm doing." Ben says as he firmly slaps her ass with a cocky grin. He then crosses the street towards the bar and she scurries behind after him.

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