How the weaselings meet Koro and Ilene meets Tim

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Malikai holds a lunch bag as he walks down the hallway*

Koro sees him and giggles

Malikai: Maisie, your dad told me you forgot your lunch bag.

Maisie looks

Maisie: Oh....

Koro looks and giggles

Malikai sees him: This octopus is your teacher?

Koro Sensei giggles

Koro- Hiiiiiii !

Malikai: So.... is this the guy that blew up the moon? Yeah right.

Koro- You calling me a liar ? Well look

He shows proof on his phone from when he taught Nagisa and E Class that he blew it the last time

Malikai is stunned: Whoa.

Koro- My name is Koro Sensei. I am the UNKILLABLE mutant

Malikai: Oh.

Jimmy: He's training us how to kill him.

Jason and the others see him

Jason: Whoa!

Tigs: His face looks like a smiley emoji

Tops- Wo is he ?!

Koro- Im Koro Sensei , an assassin teacher of Maisies. Im an UNKILLABLE mutant

Ludel: Oh my!

Koro- Want me to prove it ? Try to attack me

Morty took out his wand: This will be easy. *charges at him and tries to slash him*

With quickness he zoomed to behind him

Morty: Huh?! Hey! *tries to attack him from behind*

He zoomed to the dront of him

Morty: Hey! Why can't you hold still?!

Jenny- Yeah he has this obsession with Grooming too

Koro's face has green stripes on it , indicating he's feeling silly playing around with Morty as he groomed his bangs and zooms past him

Morty: Hey! Don't mess with my bangs!

Jason grabsa gun and tries to shoot him but he dodges all places

Jason: Dude, your too fast, but can you punch a wall?

His tentacles punched through three walls

Jason is shocked*

Koro- Need I continue ?

Malikai: No no.

Koro- Good.

But when Snips tries to literally stab him in the back , his tentacle grabs him without looking

Snips: Huh?! Hey!

Koro-( Looks , his head turns red with annoyance ) Snips ! I thought I said no stabbing people in the back !

Snips chuckles: Sorry.

Tito: Ai ai ai.

Koro- Back room , young man ! Think about what you done

He walks away

Jason: Whoa, I didn't know he could change colors.

Morty: Yeah, I heard Maisie almost exploded by Bradley if it weren't for him saving her.

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