Chapter 8-MINE NOW~

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{Lust's P.O.V}
Horror came into the room, sat down next to me and hugged me. He pulled out his axe and held it up to the back of my neck to make sure I didn't leave his hold- "H-Horror wh-what are you-?!" "Mine." "wh-" "Sshh~ Quiet love~ You don't need to say anything~" I am purely terrified right now-

{Horror's P.O.V}
"You're mine Lusty~ You belong to me now~" He looked terrified but confused- I kissed him on the cheek (I think it still counts as a cheek even if he's a skeleton but idk) and purple blush gets lightly dusted across his face "You're so cute~ <3" he blushes more. I was gonna continue but I got interrupted by my brother yelling "BROTHER YOUR FRIENDS ARE HERE!" I kept the axe up to Lust's neck while I grabbed some rope that was near and I tied Lust up so he can't escape~ "I'll be back soon dear<3"

I got up and went to see who was here it was Killer, Dust, and Nightmare- "Oh- Hey guys!" "Horror! There you are!" Killer said hugging me "So can we meet your friend now?" Dust asked "That's why we came anyway." "Why did you bring Boss though?" "I just don't trust them to be alone." Nightmare answered. "Ok hold on let me ask him real quick if he's ok with meeting you guys-" I ran upstairs real quick and went into my room.

"Lusty~? Are you ok with meeting some of my friends?" "Uh- S-Sure?" "Ok! Hold on I'll be back!" I left the room and told the others he's fine with meeting them, "Oh yeah and before you meet him- I might have been doing something so I had to tie him up-" they all looked a bit confused but fine with it I opened the door and went to hug my Lusty~ <3 "So this is them?" Dust asked "Yes this is him<3" "What's their name?" Killer asked "Oh- Um- If I tell you, you can't hurt him. I need to explain something." "K? Just tell us their name." Nightmare told me. I took a deep breath real quick "... It's Lust." "WHAT?!" They all yelled. "Hold on let me explain-"

A few moments later after I explained they seemed to calm down. "Oh also I forgot to mention- I'm a Yandere for him! And he's mine~<3" "So I'm guessing that's why he's tied up?" Nightmare said while obviously not really caring. "Yeah- He's tied up so he can't leave me<3 Or try-"


Nightmare, Killer, and Dust left and I went back to my room with my Lusty. I cuddled him until he went to sleep. I later did the same. Finally. He's all mine. Only mine~

Only. Mine.

No one will take him from me.

I'll kill anyone who comes too close to him.

He's mine and no one else's.

I'll kill anyone I have to just to keep him mine.

Love and Blood (Yandere BloodLust/Yandere HorrorxLust)Where stories live. Discover now